Independent experts nominated by country party

Yiming Feng

First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Discipline of Expertise
Other Disciplines
Information Systems
UN languages spoken


Geographical Focus
Job function
Desertification combat
Telephone number
86 10 62824087
Work experience
1. 2011/01-2014/12,Team leader, Presiding 948 project funded by State Forestry Administration, PRC: “Estimation the Carbon storage of ecology system in Chinese Arid Region”_x000D_
2. 2008/01-2011/12,Team leader,Presiding the Commonweal Research project:“Techniques research on classification and change checking for high resolution remote sensng images”._x000D_
3. 2006/06-2009/12,Team leader,Presiding the project of 948 funded by State Forestry Administration, PRC: “Spatial Statistic Analysis and Its Application in Forestry”_x000D_
4. 2006/05-2007/10,Team leader,Presiding the National 10th Five-year Key Plan project funded by Ministry of Science and Technology, PRC: “Desertification monitoring and predicting by Remote Sensing techniques”_x000D_
5. 2005/01-2005/12,Team leader,Presiding Sina-Finland project: “Forest Resources Survey and Evaluation Based on ‘3S’(GIS, RS and GPS) Technology in China’s Northeast Forest Regions”
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
PhD, Forest Management, Chinese Academy of Forestry, 2004
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1.Feng Yiming, Lu Qi, Timo Tokola. 2009. Assessment of grassland degradation of Guinan county, Qinghai province, China in the last 30 years.Land Degradation & Development, 20:55-68 _x000D_
2. Feng Yiming, Li Zengyuan, Timo Tokola. 2010. Estimation of stand mean crown diameter from high-spatial-resolution imagery based on a geostatistical method. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 31(2),363-378 _x000D_
3. Feng Yiming, Tang Shouzheng, Li Zengyuan.2006. Application of Improved Sequential Indicator Simulation to Spatial Distribution Simulation of Forest Types. Forest Ecology and Management, 222: 391-398_x000D_
4. Feng Yiming, Lu Qi, Wu Bo, Liu Hongxia, Wang Xuequan . 2011.Land Use Dynamics of Alpine-cold Desertified Area in the Qinhai-Tibetan Plateau in the Last 30 Years. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology(in press)_x000D_
5. Feng Yiming. 2008. Geostatistics and It’s Application in Forestry. Beijing, Chinese Forestry Press.
Other activities
1. 2011/03-2011/04,Domestic expert , Engaged by KFW for Sino-German Project “Watershed Management on Forest Land Beijing” (WMFLB), to optimize the Sustainable Forest Management Planning and its implementation in the WMFLB._x000D_
2. 2005/08-2005/09,GIS exporter, Engaged by GFA, Germany, to train ArcGIS 9.0 and ArcView 9.0 software in pilot regions of Three-North Shelterbelt Program- Monitoring and Management Information System._x000D_
3. 2005/10, Domestic expert, Engaged by GFA, Germany, to Cooperate with international expert- Niconas Jewell to analyse the requirements of large scale implementation of Monitoring Management Information System in 3NB._x000D_
4. 2009/10,Taking part in WFC (World Forestry Conference) in Argentia_x000D_
5. 2007/09,Taking part in ISPRS international conference in Finland
1.Inventor Award: Estimation of stand mean crown diameter from high-spatial-resolution imagery based on a geostatistical method(200610169631.1), rank first._x000D_
2.Computer Software Copyright Registration. Forestry subcompartment division system(2009SRBJ4070), rank first._x000D_
3.The first and Third Liangxi award for youthful paper
Organisation name
Chinese Academy of Forestry
Organisation street address
Wan Shou Shan, 100091
Organisation city
Organisation country