Independent experts nominated by country party

Yong Liu

First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Other Disciplines
Natural Resource Management
Job function
Deputy Director/Professor
Telephone number
86 10 62338128
Work experience
1988-1991: Three months every year. Project consultant for a reforestation project in Daxinanling Forestry Management Bureau, Heilongjiang Province, China. The main tasks were:_x000D_
- providing technique assistance on seed and seedling production, and forest regeneration;_x000D_
- nursery designing and establishment;_x000D_
- training of the project staff and forestry technicians;_x000D_
- establishment of demonstration nursery and planting site._x000D_
1992 October-November. English interpreter for a delegation of the Ministry of Forestry, China, in the area of forest seed and seedling production and management to visit USA._x000D_
1995 March-April, August, December, 1996 March. Silvicultural consultant for Yanqing Afforestation Project, Beijing, China, funded by the Federal Republic of Germany. Main tasks were:_x000D_
- assistance with the preparation of the Plan of Operation and Annual Work Plans;_x000D_
- assistance with seedling production, quality control, storage and transport, and sound application of chemicals and f
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
- Bachelor of Science in Forestry, Beijing Forestry College, China 1982._x000D_
- Master of Science (M.S.) University of Idaho, USA 1987. Fields of study: silviculture and nursery management._x000D_
- Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Beijing Forestry University, China, 1994, Fields of study: silviculture and nursery management.
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. Liu, Y. 1995. The effect of cold storage on seedling viability and physiology of two main conifer species in north China. Scientia Silvae Sinicae. Vol. 31(5): 414-420._x000D_
2. Liu, Y. 1995. Studies on seedling quality of some main conifer species in Northern China (V). Journal of Beijing Forestry University. 17(4): 118-121._x000D_
3. Liu, Y. 1995. Increasing beneficial results should be the focus of forestry development in China. World Forestry Research 8(1):54-58._x000D_
4. Liu, Y. 1997. Development tendency of world forestry extension. World Forestry Research 10(2): 50-57._x000D_
5. Song, T.M., Liu, Y. etc. 1996. Forest seeds and seedlings. P342. WuZi Publisher of China.
Other activities
1. Professor in the Beijing Forestry University. Main duties included temperate forestry research and teaching general forestry, world forestry development, silviculture and nursery management._x000D_
2. Member of Chinese Forestry Economic Association._x000D_
3. Member of editorial board for "World Forestry Research".
1. "Outstanding young forestry scientist in China" awarded by Ministry of Forestry and Chinese Society of Forestry._x000D_
2. Four research projects were awarded by Ministry of Forestry.
Organisation name
Beijing Forestry University
Organisation street address
Box 116, 100083
Organisation city
Organisation country