Independent experts nominated by country party
Yowhan Son
First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Discipline of Expertise
Other Disciplines
UN languages spoken
Job function
Associate Professor
Dept of Forest Resources and Environment
Telephone number
82 2 3290 3015
Work experience
Mainly interested in energy and nutrient distribution and cycling in forest ecosystems, also in natural and human influences on ecosystem structure and function_x000D_
Investigated organic matter production and decomposition in soils_x000D_
Examined nitrogen cycling in trees and forest soils_x000D_
Investigated soil and water pollution under different natural and human disturbances in forests.
Investigated organic matter production and decomposition in soils_x000D_
Examined nitrogen cycling in trees and forest soils_x000D_
Investigated soil and water pollution under different natural and human disturbances in forests.
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
University of Wisconsin, Ph.D. Forest Ecology, 1991
Number of Publications
Publication titles
Son, Y., W.K.Lee, S.E. Lee and S.R. Ryu. 1999. Effects of Thinning on Soil nitrogen mineralization in a Japanese large plantation. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. 30: 2539-2550. Marcel Dekker, New York_x000D_
Son, Y., and H.Y Kim. 1998. Aboreground viomass and nutrient distribution in a 15-year-old ginkgo plantation. Bioresource Technology 63: 173-177, Elsevior_x000D_
Son, Y. and I. K Lee. 1997. Soil nitrogen mineralization in adjacent Hands of larch, pine and oak stands. Annals of Forest Sciences. 54:1-8. Elsevier_x000D_
Binkley, D., F.W. Smith and Y. Son. 1995. Nurient Supply and decline in leaf area and production in lodgepole pine. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 25:621-628_x000D_
Fernandez, I.J. G.B. Lawrence, and Y. Son. 1995 Soil solution chemistry in a low sprace-fir ecosystem. Water, Air and Soil Pollution 84:129-145
Son, Y., and H.Y Kim. 1998. Aboreground viomass and nutrient distribution in a 15-year-old ginkgo plantation. Bioresource Technology 63: 173-177, Elsevior_x000D_
Son, Y. and I. K Lee. 1997. Soil nitrogen mineralization in adjacent Hands of larch, pine and oak stands. Annals of Forest Sciences. 54:1-8. Elsevier_x000D_
Binkley, D., F.W. Smith and Y. Son. 1995. Nurient Supply and decline in leaf area and production in lodgepole pine. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 25:621-628_x000D_
Fernandez, I.J. G.B. Lawrence, and Y. Son. 1995 Soil solution chemistry in a low sprace-fir ecosystem. Water, Air and Soil Pollution 84:129-145
Other activities
Adjunct Senior Researcher, Forestry Research Institute, Seoul Korea_x000D_
Assistant Research Professor, Univ. of Main. U.S.A_x000D_
Senior public Officer, Kyongi Provincial Government, Suwon, Korea
Assistant Research Professor, Univ. of Main. U.S.A_x000D_
Senior public Officer, Kyongi Provincial Government, Suwon, Korea
Organisation name
Korea University
Organisation street address
#5-1, Anam-dong, Sungbuk-gu_x000D_
Seoul, Korea 136-701
Seoul, Korea 136-701
Organisation city