Independent experts nominated by country party

Yue Li

First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Other Disciplines
Natural Resource Management
Plant Science
Job function
Associate Professor
College of Forest Resources and Environment
Telephone number
86 10 623 381 20
Work experience
1. Advisory:_x000D_
- Study on Management Techniques of Seed Orchard in Pinus tabulaeformis, 1990-1995, Funding by the Forestry Department of China_x000D_
- Genetic Improvement in drought and salt tolerant of black locust, 1995-2000, The State Funding _x000D_
- Genetic diversity within breeding system of Chinese pine (Pinus tabulaeformis), 1995-1997, The State Natural Science Funding_x000D_
- Drought salt tolerant wooden plant selection in north, north-east and north-west China, 1990-2000, The State Funding_x000D_
- Species and provenance selection and genetic improvement of pea shrub_x000D_
- Selection of plant materials for the project of Ecological Forest within the region of Taihang Mountain, China, 1990-2000, The State Funding_x000D_
- The techniques of establishment and administration of Seed Orchard in Pinus tabulaeformis, 1982-1990, The State Funding
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
M.Sc., Progeny testing and compatibility among clones in Pinus tabulaeformis, Beijing Forestry University, 1992
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. Li, Y., et al, 1998: Progeny test of plus tree and advanced selection of Pinus tabulaeformis, Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 20(3): 19-24;_x000D_
2. Li, Y., et al, 1998: A review on forest trees genetic diversity at the isozyme level, Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 20(3): 58-66;_x000D_
3. Li, Y., et al, 1998: Effect of roguing and pruning in a seed orchard of Pinus tabulaeformis, Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 20(3): 7-13;_x000D_
4. Li, Y., et al, 1998: Genetic diversity and breeding values of a series if a clonal groups in Pinus tabulaeformis, Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 20(4): 12-17;_x000D_
5. Ma, L., Wei, H., Li, Y., 1998: Outline of Forestry, Economic Publish House, Beijing, China.
Organisation name
Beijing Forestry University
Organisation street address
Organisation city
Organisation country