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Independent experts nominated by country party

Zhangijinliang Zhang

First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Other Disciplines
Job function
Professor, Director
Shandong Academy of Forestry Monitoring and plan--
Telephone number
86 531 85 57 726
Work experience
(2001) and forest resources continuous investigation (2000) -since 1983 employed with Shandong Academy of Forestry Monitoring and plan_x000D_
-in charge of sands soil survey in the province, drafted the rules of sands soil survey and wrote report on the survey and sands soil control, 1995-_x000D_
-in charge of sands soil montoring and soil desertification in the province, put up technical principles for the work and wrote the report on monitoring_x000D_
-projects dealing with drafting Shandong province sands soil control engineering plan (1991-2000), former yellow sands soil control in other cities/counties_x000D_
-Participant in conferences andother academic activities on sands soil survey & monitoring_x000D_
-Chief engineer in 2000 for Shandong province forest resources survey, in forest division
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
Forest Baccalaureate, Nanjing Forestry University
Number of Publications
Publication titles
-"Construction of plant community in West Region is a strategic measure for maintaining land ecological safety," study on China West Region Ecological Environment Construction Ocean Press
Other activities
-Member of China National Forestry Society_x000D_
-Member of China National Geodesy Photogrammetry and Cartography Society_x000D_
-Member of China National Sand Control and Desert Industry Society_x000D_
-Member of Shandong Forestry Society
-Study on general survey and multiple control of Desertification land in Shandong province, won the third class prize of Science and Technology advancement of Shandong province 1996_x000D_
-Advanced Worker
Organisation name
Beijing Forestry University
Organisation street address
No. 42, wenhua East Road,_x000D_
Jinan, China
Organisation city
Organisation country