Independent experts nominated by country party

Zhigang Jiang

First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Other Disciplines
Job function
Prof. and Vice-Dir. Center
Center for Animal Ecology and Conservation Biology
Telephone number
86 10 62574283
Work experience
Since 1994, my research group and I have been working on a critically endangered gazelle, the Przewalski's gazelle which now lives in the desert on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. In the habitat of the Przewalski's gazelle, desertification is a severe environmental problem, as the area of desert is increasing year by year. On the other hand, now the desert is an indispensable habitat for the surviving of Przewalski's gazelle on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, where human activity is increasing, the gazelle is taking refuge in the desert. I have supervised a Post-Doctoral Fellow to conduct a habitat analysis of the Przewalski's gazelle, which concentrated on the habitat quality, habitat selection and population viability of the Przewalski's gazelle, in the study we also set up a GIS model and biodiversity information system of the Qinghai Lake Region. We proposed an integrative animal husbandry ecosystem management measure to save the woldlife species in region. My graduate students, a
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
Ph.D. Wildlife Management and Productivity, University of Alberta, Canada 1993._x000D_
M.Sc. Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 1984._x000D_
B.Sc. Animal Science, Hunan Agricultural University, 1981.
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. Jiang, Z. and Ma, K. (eds.) 1997. Conservation Biology, Zhejiang, Scientific Press, Houzhou._x000D_
2. Jiang, Z., Feng, Z. and Wang, Z. 1996. Przewalski's gazelle in China. Conservation Biology 13: 324-325._x000D_
3. Jiang, Z., Gao, Z. and Sun, Y. 1996. Current status of antelopes in China. Journal of Northeast Forestry University (English Edition) 7: 58-62._x000D_
4. Jiang, Z. and Wung, S. 1996. IUCN Antelope Survey and Action Plan Part 4, Chapter 33, China. Country Report on Antelope for IUCN/SSC. IUCN/SSC (in press)._x000D_
5. Jiang, Z. and Hudson, R.J. 1996. Seasonal digestive kinetics in wapiti (Cervus elaphus) and its ecological significance. Acta Theoriologia 41:415-423.
Other activities
1. Vice-director of the Division of Animal Ecology, Chinese Society of Ecology._x000D_
2. Standing Editor of the Chinese Journal of Zoology._x000D_
3. Member of National Commission of Natural Reserves._x000D_
4. Member of the Species Surviving Commission, IUCN._x000D_
5. Standing Editor of the Acta Theoriologia Sinica.
1. "100 Talent Program" of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 1995._x000D_
2. Outstanding Young Scientist Award of the Chinese National Foundation of Natural Sciences, 1997.
Organisation name
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Organisation street address
Zhongguancun Lu 19, 100080
Organisation city
Organisation country