Independent experts nominated by country party

Zhimin Liu

First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Other Disciplines
Plant Science
Natural Resource Management
Soil Science
UN languages spoken


Geographical Focus
Job function
Dr, Professor
Shenyang Institute of Applied Ecology
Telephone number
86 24 83970431
Work experience
My major research interests are plant ecology and restoration ecology in the arid zone of _x000D_
China. Nine years ago I conducted laboratory and field work relevant with desertification _x000D_
combating in western China, mainly involved in the project “experiments and demonstrations _x000D_
on the comprehensive rehabilitation of the desertified lands in Xikaze City of Tibet Autonomous _x000D_
Region”. From 2002 on, I have been involved in the research of vegetation processes in the _x000D_
sand dune field in eastern China, and my major efforts have been poured into two aspects “how _x000D_
plants adapt to active dunes” and “how scale and spatial pattern affect vegetation processes in the _x000D_
dune field”. Recently, my major research projects are “study on the relationship between vegetation _x000D_
restoration and scale and spatial pattern in the semi-arid sandy region” and “a comparison of soil _x000D_
seed bank pattern between the active and the stabilized sand dune in the Horqin Steppe”.
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
PhD, Ecology, Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2002
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. Liu, Zhimin (ed). 2010. Plant Regenerative Strategies in the Horqin Sand Land. Beijing: China Meteorological Press (in Chinese) _x000D_
2. Yan, Shougang, Liu, Zhimin. 2010. Effects of dune stabilization on plant diversity of interdune wetlands in the northeastern Inner Mongolia, China. Land Degradation & Development 21:51-60 _x000D_
3. Zhang, Le, Liu, Zhimin, Zhou, Rui, Zhai, Shanshan. 2009. Farmland expansion prediction at a pastoral village in the steppe of northern China: a spatially explicit targeting approach. Environmental Earth Sciences 59(4): 847-852 _x000D_
4. Liu, Zhimin, Yan, Qiaoling, Baskin, C.C. and Ma, Junling. 2006. Burial of canopy-stored seeds in the annual psammophyte Agriophyllum squarrosum (Chenopodiaceae) and its ecological significance. Plant and Soil 288:71-80_x000D_
5. Liu, Zhimin (ed). 1998. Study on Comprehensive Rehabilitation of Desertified Lands in the Middle Reach of the Yarlung Zangbo River, Tibet. Beijing: China Environmental Press (in Chinese)
Other activities
1. Member of Chinese Forest-Soil Research Association _x000D_
2. Member of Chinese Desert Research Association _x000D_
3. Member of the editorial board on Chinese Journal of Ecology
1. 2004: The Ninth Scientific Award for the Young Agricultural Experts (Chinese Agricultural Association) _x000D_
2. 2001: Excellent Researchers in Agriculture (China Science and Technology Ministry, China Agriculture Ministry, China Forestry Bureau, and China Ministry of Water Resources)_x000D_
3. 1998Outstanding Young Experts (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Organisation name
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Organisation street address
72 Wenhua Rd, 110016
Organisation city
Organisation country