André Francisco Pilon
André Francisco Pilon
André Francisco Pilon held different positions: Associate Professor (University of São Paulo); Psychologist (State Court of Justice); Director (Health Education, Ministry of Health); Journalist (Editor-in-chief, Journal Academus; Collaborator, Journal da USP); His affiliations include the International Academy of Science, Health & Ecology, the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (Science-Policy Interface), the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, the IUCN Commission on Environmental, Economic and Social Policy, the EuroScience; the World Alliance for Citizen Participation; the International Association for the Study of the Commons; the Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council, the Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature; the Center for Healthy Cities. He is the author of a theoretical and practical ecosystem approach for planning and evaluation of public policies, advocacy, communication, research and teaching programmes, encompassing environmental problems, public health, quality of life, and the links to the educational, cultural, political and economic state of the world. His proposal for change considers different dimensions of being-in-the-world (intimate, interactive, social and biophysical), as they combine to elicit the events, suffer the consequences and organize for change. Instead of the effects (reduced, fragmented, taken for granted issues), his proposal emphasizes the general phenomenon, the core of the “boiling pot”, where the problems that menace survival on Earth emerge and where they should be dealt with, in view of the shifting of the current paradigms of growth, power, wealth, work and freedom embedded into the educational, cultural, social, political and economic institutions.

André Francisco Pilon