Anna Luise
Anna Luise, born in Naples, has been working in Rome since her university degree, at the University of Rome, at ENEA and finally at ISPRA – Institute for the Environmental Protection and Research (Italy’s environmental agency). Her interests began with the analysis of the creative organizations and new professions. In the late 80’s she directed her interests to the issues related to sustainable development at local, national and global level, the assessment of the environmental damage, the monitoring, evaluation and governance issues related to sustainability issues, land degradation and desertification, the analysis of policies and the development of indicators. In such areas, Anna Luise coordinated studies and research at national and international level and has been component of the group of technical and scientific support of the National Committee to Combat Desertification. Anna Luise played and continues to play a role of technical support in decision and policymaking processes as well as in the negotiation within the UNCCD. She participated as a speaker, panelist and chairperson in several national and international conferences and seminars. Anna Luise is a lecturer in master's and doctoral post-graduate programmes on desertification, climate change, sustainable development and a speaker in several sessions of the official organs of the UNCCD (COP, CRIC). She is also a member of Italy’s delegations to UN Conferences and negotiations on the field of environmental issues and sustainable development (i.e. UN HLPF). Anna Luise is Italy’s delegate in the European Council Working Party on International Environmental Issues - Desertification Experts. She was component of the UNCCD Intergovernmental Working Groups on the Future Strategic Framework (2013 – 2015), on the follow-up of Rio+20 (2013 – 2015) and on Reporting (2006 – 2009), and member of the Bureau of the Committee for the Review of the Implementation of the Convention of the United Convention to Combat Desertification, representing WEOG/EU Parties. She is Italy’s Science and Technology Correspondent of the UNCCD.
Anna Luise
Anna Luise