Carl Kojo Fiati
CST Bureau member
Carl Kojo Fiati is the Director of Natural Resources at the Environmental Protection Agency, under Ghana’s Ministry of Environment, Science, Technology and Innovation. He provides technical guidance and oversight for assessment and mitigation of environmental risks associated with the development and exploitation of natural resources. His major efforts have been directed towards improving environmental quality governance and leveraging science, technology and traditional knowledge for developing solutions to problems of natural capital degradation and restoration of ecosystem resilience. He is currently coordinating the development and integration of innovative market-based offsets schemes into Ghana’s Environmental Impact Assessment System that would incentivize private sector-lead investment to address land degradation and loss of biological diversity. As head of natural resources programmes for the UNCCD national focal institution, Mr. Fiati has contributed to the formulation of policies and action plans related to Multilateral Environmental Agreements, including preparation and revision of the National Action Plans to combat desertification drought. Mr. Fiati holds an MPhil. in Oceanography and Fisheries from the University of Ghana;  BSc(Hons) in Biology  with specialization in plant water relations from the University of Cape Coast,  and Certificate in Environmental Biosafety from the Institute of International Agriculture, Michigan State University.
Carl Kojo Fiati
Carl Kojo Fiati
CST Bureau member