Jean-Luc Chotte
Jean-Luc Chotte is a senior scientist at IRD (Institut de Recherche pour le Développement), France. His research topic deals with the impact of climate and land use changes on soil organic matter dynamics (stocks and fluxes). The objective of his research is to unravel the soil functioning and explore ways to sustain ecology intensification to achieve food security, to combat land degradation and propose science-based evidences to reinforce the role of soils in mitigating/adapting to climate changes. He has been involved in many international projects (see his web site To date he has published about 100 publications in the fields of Soil Sciences and Soil Ecology. Since 2011 he is the Director of join Unit “Functional Ecology & biogeochemistry of soils & agro-ecosystems”. Since 2015 he has been nominated Deputy Director of one of the 5 Scientific Department at IRD. He is the focal point for IRD in the 4P1000 initiative. Jean-Luc Chotte is a member of Académie d’Agriculture de France. 
Jean-Luc Chotte
Jean-Luc Chotte