Martial Bernoux
Member from 2014 – 2017
Martial Bernoux is a soil scientist at the French Research Institute for the Development (IRD) within Research Unit Eco&Sols, being co-responsible of the team “Carbon and Global Changes”. Member of the French Scientific Committee on Desertification (CSFD), he has particular interest in the evaluation of the role of soils in agro-ecosystems, in the global change context, focusing on soil carbon temporal and spatial dynamics from local to national scales, mainly in inter-tropical and Mediterranean regions. He also contributed to IPCC meetings and publications such as the IPCC Good Practice Guidance for LULUCF (2003). He is also acting, as FAO consultant for the development of the EX-Ante Carbon-balance tool (EX-ACT) to provide ex-ante estimates of the mitigation impact of rural development projects in order to put forward synergies between food security, soils and land conservation and climate policies. Author of more than two hundred scientific papers and book chapters.
Martial Bernoux
Martial Bernoux
Member from 2014 – 2017