Peter Verburg
Peter Verburg is a professor in Environmental Geography at the Institute for Environmental Studies at VU University Amsterdam, the Netherlands. He is also a visiting professor at the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape research (WSL). He has established an internationally recognized leading position in the field of land system science. He has developed and applied a large portfolio of methods to analyze spatial patterns of land use and socio-ecological interactions at scales from local to global. Methods originate from different disciplines, including social sciences, econometrics, geography and earth sciences (biogeochemical modelling). Having worked with collaborators from this wide variety of fields, Peter has established insight in the different disciplinary traditions and vocabularies for interdisciplinary collaboration. His work on regional-scale land use modeling has resulted in one of the most frequently used land use models worldwide (CLUE-s). Recent activities focus on spatial modelling support for implementation of Land Degradation Neutrality. Land Governance and the analysis of Food Systems. Peter is co-editor-in-chief of the journal Landscape and Urban Planning and a commissioner of the Earth Commission of the Global Commons Alliance.