Rajendra Prasad Pandey
Rajendra Prasad Pandey
Member from 2014 – 2017
Rajendra Prasad Pandey is currently working as Scientist in the National Institute of Hydrology, Roorkee in India. He holds a bachelor degree in Agricultural Engineering, a master degree in Soil and Water Engineering and a PhD degree in Hydrology. He started his career as Scientist in 1990 in the National Institute of Hydrology, Roorkee in India. He has authored and published 28 research papers in peer reviewed international journals, 16 papers in peer reviewed national journals and 6 chapters in edited books. He has authored and presented 58 research papers in conferences and symposium. He has completed 4 sponsored projects, 29 internally funded research projects and 5 consultancy projects. He is involved in conducting basic and applied research studies and contributed in developing methodologies, particularly for quantitative assessment of streamflow drought severity, assessment of vulnerability to drought using physiographic and climatic factors, a new climatic classification for regional drought characterization. Some of his important contributions are: (i) Development of relationships between climatic parameters and the average drought frequency, (ii) Revised classification of Standardizes Precipitation Index (SPI) and Effective drought Index (EDI) for their applicability in different climatic regions of India, (iii) new index for quantification of vulnerability to drought (iv) Developed stream flow drought severity index (DSI). He worked as “Secretary” of Indian water Resources Society during 2009-2011 and he is presently holding the position of “Secretary” of Indian Association of Hydrologists.

Rajendra Prasad Pandey
Member from 2014 – 2017