Annette Louise Cowie

Annette Louise Cowie
Annette Cowie has a soil science and plant nutrition background, particularly interested in sustainable resource management. She is Senior Principal Research Scientist - Climate, in the New South Wales Department of Primary Industries and Adjunct Professor, School of Environmental and Rural Science, at the University of New England, in Australia. Annette’s current research focusses on quantifying and managing climate effects of agriculture and forestry, including through bioenergy, biochar and soil carbon management, to meet multiple objectives at landscape scale. Her research is applied in development of climate policy for the land sector, including greenhouse gas accounting for inventory and emissions trading. Annette was a lead author of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Special Report on Climate Change and Land, and the Sixth Assessment Working Group III Report on Climate change mitigation. Annette was a member of the inaugural UNCCD Science-Policy Interface. In this capacity, Annette co-led, with Barron Orr, the development of the Scientific Conceptual Framework for Land Degradation Neutrality. Annette is a former Land Degradation advisor on the Scientific and Technical Advisory Panel of the Global Environment Facility.
Annette Louise
Annette Louise Cowie