Robert Lewis-Lettington

Robert Lewis-Lettington
UN-Habitat Representative

Robert Lewis-Lettington is Chief of the Land, Housing and Shelter Section at UN-Habitat. Robert has more than twenty years professional experience, primarily working in programme management, multilateral processes and in providing technical assistance in policy formulation and legislative processes to a variety of partners. With field experience in more than seventy countries, Robert’s specialist areas include land management, human rights and rule of law, urban development, legislative drafting, intellectual property rights and information management, digital governance, environment and natural resources and international trade.

Robert is Secretary to the Drafting Committee of the UN Habitat Assembly and its subsidiary bodies and was Vice Chair of the International Telecommunication Union’s Focus Group on ‘Data Processing and Management to support the Internet of Things and Smart Cities & Communities.’ Robert is also a Salzburg Global Fellow in Law and Technology, a member of the International Law Association (and its study group on the Role of Cities in International Law) and a member of the Human Rights Lawyers Association (UK).

Robert holds a Juris Doctor degree in law from the College of William and Mary (USA), an MA (Hons) degree specializing in Architectural History from the University of St. Andrews (Scotland) and an MLitt (Dist) degree in History specializing in from the University of the Highlands and Islands (Scotland).

Robert Lewis-Lettington
Robert Lewis-Lettington
UN-Habitat Representative