Robert Stefanski
Robert Stefanski
WMO Representative
Robert Stefanski is currently Chief of the WMO Agricultural Meteorology Division of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) in Geneva, Switzerland. His duties include developing the scientific and technical aspects of this division and providing technical and scientific support to the WMO Commission for Agricultural Meteorology. He is also the Head of the Technical Support Unit of the Integrated Drought Management Programme which works with countries in developing drought early warning systems and national drought policies. From 2005 to 2010, he was the Scientific Officer in the same Programme at WMO. From 1991 to 2004, he was an agricultural meteorologist for the United States Department of Agriculture where he monitored worldwide weather and climate conditions and how they impacted global agricultural production. He has a Master’s Degree in Agricultural Climatology from Iowa State University (1988) and B.S. in Agricultural Meteorology from Purdue University (1986).

Robert Stefanski
WMO Representative