Independent experts nominated by country party

Anna Jacobs

First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Discipline of Expertise
Agricultural sciences
Environmental sciences/ecology
Soil science
Thematic Areas
Carbon sequestration
Ecosystem services
Land-use change
Science policy analysis
Soil conservation
Soil degradation
Sustainable agriculture
Sustainable development
UN languages spoken



Job function
Head of Coordination Unit Soil
Work experience
I am soil scientist and agronomist and focus my studies on environmental impacts and protection of resources, especially soil, in agriculture. My strongest expertise is carbon sequestration in soil. Recently, I extended my portfolio on the perception of options and barriers for transition in soil management among different stakeholders of agricultural practice (incl. policy makers). Generally, as Head of the Coordination Unit Soil at the Thunen Institute, I am elaborating science based policy advices for sustainable use of soil in agriculture.
Geographic area of field of experience: Central Europe
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
Venia legendi: agronomy, Goettingen, 2021; Dr in natural (soil) sciences, Kassel, 2007
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. JACOBS, A., HEIDECKE, C., JUMSHUDHADE., Z., OSTERBURG, B., PAULSEN, H.M., POEPLAU, C. (2020): Certificates for soil organic carbon - potentials and limitations for private and public climate action. J Sustainable Organic Agric Syst 70, 31-35
2. JACOBS, A., POEPLAU, C., WEISER, C., FAHRION-NITSCHKE, A., DON, A. (2020): Exports and inputs of organic carbon on agricultural soils in Germany. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 118, 249-271, doi: 10.1007/s10705-020-10087-5.
3. JACOBS, A., KOCH, H.-J., MÄRLÄNDER, B. (2019): Using effects of crop rotation for climate smart sugar beet cultivation. European Journal of Agronomy 104, 13-20.
4. JACOBS, A., KOCH, H.-J., MÄRLÄNDER, B. (2018): Preceding crops influence agronomic efficiency in sugar beet cultivation. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, doi: 10.1007/s13593-017-0469-z.
5. JACOBS, A., BRAUER-SIEBRECHT, W., RÜCKNAGEL, J., GÖTZE, P., CHRISTEN, O., KOCH, H.-J., MÄRLÄNDER, B. (2016): Silage maize and sugar beet for biogas production in crop rotations and continuous cultivation – energy efficiency and land demand. Field Crops Research, doi:
Other activities
- Lecturer (Agronomy) at the University of Gottingen.
- Member in soil science and agronomy associations (national and international)
Organisation name
Thünen Institute
Organisation nature
Organisation street address
Bundesallee 49
Organisation city
Organisation post code
Organisation country