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Assisted cork-oak regeneration

Assisted cork oak regeneration by acorn seeding and seedling plantation from a plant nursery, involving careful husbandry and protection from grazing. Good quality acorns and seedlings are required and seedlings should come from the same region where they are planted and be certified by the authorities. Small, woody plants are cleared and the soil is prepared by deep ploughing to loosen the topsoil and allow easier root growth.

Cork oak regeneration ensures the continued existence and development of the forest. It conserves soil and water and fights against desertification. Other benefits include cork production, wood production, fodder production and better soil cover. The technology also positively impacts the socio-economic development of local populations by providing landscape, welfare and recreation.

Land use type
Technology group
Forest restoration
Type of land degradation addressed
Biological degradation
Physical soil deterioration
Soil erosion by water
Assisted cork-oak regeneration