Independent experts nominated by country party

Nicole Wellbrock

First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Discipline of Expertise
Environmental sciences/ecology
Soil science
Thematic Areas
Carbon sequestration
Climate change
Disaster risk management
Environmental monitoring
Monitoring and assessment
Risk assessment
Soil degradation
UN languages spoken


Geographical Focus
European Union
Job function
Soil Protection and Forest Condition
Telephone number
Work experience
Since 2006, I have been coordinating the forest soil condition survey for Germany. The monitoring includes the planning of the field work and evaluations. We train the teams in the field. My tasks also include evaluating forest condition, which is increasingly affected by drought due to climate change. Since 2021, I have also coordinated peatland soil monitoring in the forest, which includes statements on the climate-appropriate use of peatland soils. As a member of the soil expert panels of the UN/ECE ICP Forests, I am involved in evaluations at the European level. In the Global Soil Partnership of the FAO I support the Ministry of Agriculture as a soil expert and I am a member of the international expert panel (INSII) of the GSP. For this we have produced maps for Germany on salinization and carbon change, which have been published as part of the FAO's Global Carbon map. In 2021 a EU H2020 Project will start (HoliSoils), as workpagelead field guidelines and training course for soil monitoring are planed as well as maps on soil properties.
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
1994 Diploma Geography 2000 PhD thesis Soil Science
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. Wellbrock, N, Bolte, A. (2019): Status and Dynamics of Forests in Germany. Eco studies, 237, Springer Verlag;
2. Wellbrock N, Grüneberg E, Riedel T, Polley H (2017) Carbon stocks in tree biomass and soils of German forests. Cent Eur For J 63:105-112;
3. Högberg P, Wellbrock N, Högberg MN, Mikaelsson H, Stendahl J (2021) Large differences in plant nitrogen supply in German and Swedish forests - Implicatitümer W, Dunger K, Riedel T, Ziche D, Grüneberg E, Wellbrock N, Oehmichen K, Döring U (2019) Chapter 6.4: Forest land (4.A). Climate Change 2019/24:582-618ons for management. Forest Ecol Manag 482:118899;
4. Stümer W, Dunger K, Riedel T, Ziche D, Grüneberg E, Wellbrock N, Oehmichen K, Döring U (2019) Chapter 6.4: Forest land (4.A). Climate Change 2019/24:582-618;
5. Hickler T, Bolte A, Hartard B, Beierkuhnlein C, Blaschke M, Blick T, Brüggemann W, Dorow WHO, Fritze M-A, Gregor T, Ibisch PL, Kölling C, Kühn I, Musche M, Pompe S, Petercord R, Schweiger O, Seidling W, Trautmann S, Wellbrock N, et al (2012) Folgen des Klimawandels für die Biodiversität in Wald und Forst. In: Mosbrugger V, Brasseur GP, Schaller M, Stribnry B (eds) Klimawandel und Biodiversität : Folgen für Deutschland. Darmstadt: Wiss Buchges, pp 164-220
Other activities
1. FAO Global Soil Partnership INSII member;
2. UN/ECE ICP Forests soil expert panel;
3. German Soil Society;
4. Soil- Climate change Network;
5. Forest Soil inventory working group
Organisation name
Institute of Forest Ecology
Organisation nature
Thuenen Institute of Forest Ecology
Organisation street address
Alfre-Moller Str.1
Organisation city
Organisation post code
Organisation country