Independent experts nominated by country party

Abdel Majid Ali El Mobarak

First name
Abdel Majid Ali
Last name
El Mobarak
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Other Disciplines
Soil Science
Natural Resource Management
Agricultural Sciences
UN languages spoken



Geographical Focus
Job function
Soil Researcher
Land and Water Research Centre
Telephone number
249 511 43055
Work experience
· Advisor on: Land resources management in Western Sudan and Land degradation in Buta. _x000D_
· Land evaluation researcher._x000D_
· Interpretation of aerial photos and landsat images using remote sensing techniques._x000D_
· Environmental changes and soil degradation in Gedarif area_x000D_
· Good working knowledge in GIS.
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
M. Sc. Desertification, U. of Ghent, Belgium,, 1991
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. Atbara Food Security pump Scheme, 1994, SSA/no. 135 (Co-author). _x000D_
2. Atbara Food Security pump Scheme, 1994, SSA/no. 136._x000D_
3. Sudan Resources Assessment and Development (SRAAD), Soil Resource Inventory of Kordofan and Darfur States, 1994 (Co-author)._x000D_
4. Butana survey for evaluation of Land degradation , 1993 (Co-author)._x000D_
5. Reconnaissance soil and land evaluation of Gandail Agricultural Scheme, Abu Hamad, River Nile State, June 1997.
Other activities
1. Member of the Sudanese Soil Science Scientists (SSSS)._x000D_
2. Member of the Sudanese Environment Conservation Society (SECS).
Organisation name
Agricultural Research Corporation
Organisation street address
P.O. Box 388
Organisation city
Wad Medani
Organisation country