Date of Ratification
Annex I: Africa

National Focal Points

Science and Technology Correspondents

National Action Programmes

Voluntary LDN Targets (Optional)

National voluntary LDN targets (original language)

National targets:
• Inventory of renewable natural resources in the country (Inventory of forest resources - Survey of pastoral lands - Wetlands inventory -  Inventory of wild animals);
• Reservation of 15% of the country to be registered by the government as renewable natural resource area (Complete forest reservation - Mapping, reservation and recording of pasture lands - Reservation of wildlife areas - Completion of the wetland reservation and registration of the requirements of the RAMSAR Convention); 
• LDN is achieved by 2030 as compared to 2010 at national level (no net loss);
• Improve the implementation of land use sustainability and planning and evaluation in state agencies related to the land degradation neutrality (Provision of a national database - Raise institutional and individual capacities in planning, implementation and evaluation - Improve coordination mechanisms between the center and the states in all sectors - Development of a sustainable land management methodology - Develop an integrated land use sustainability plan).

Sub-national targets:
• Determine the productivity of pastoral land in each state and increase it to 2.5 tons / hectare;
• Develop a methodology for the sustainability of pastoral lands at the national level;
• Forest conservation and reforestation of 66 square kilometers of degraded forests in Kassala and Blue Nile states.

Specific targets:
• Improving the quality of pastures’ soil and SOC; 
• Improve production in rainfed agricultural areas (clay) to mean 10 Shawwal per feddan (and sand) 5 Shawwal per feddan;
• Increase the carbon stock in the soil by 30,5742 tons (Compensation of carbon losses by base year and add the same amount by forest farming in North, Nile, Khartoum, North Kordofan and North Darfur) 
• Increasing the forest area according to the plan of the National Forestry Commission;
• Cultivation of trees and shrubs of high nutritional value in the pasture lands in the semi-desert and savannah-poor areas, especially in the area of 12563 km2;
• Raising the productivity of declining agricultural areas (15496 km 2) and cropland with early signs of decline (59719 km 2) and stable but stressed (32467 km2).

*An unofficial translation into English is provided for countries which articulated their targets in other languages.
  • Sudan - LDN Country Commitments, 2017, English
  • Sudan - LDN TSP Country Report, 2018, English

National Drought Plans

  • Sudan - National Drought Plan, 2020, English

Country reports