Independent experts nominated by country party
Habib Alla Habiballa Mohammed
First name
Habib Alla Habiballa
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Discipline of Expertise
Agricultural sciences
Environmental sciences/ecology
Other Disciplines
UN languages spoken
Simple English
Geographical Focus
Job function
Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Gezira
Telephone number
0511 41623
Work experience
Presently, I am a Professor at the University of Gezira. During the last ten years the research emphasis (as a department of Environmental Sciences and Natural Resources) were mainly on desertification. Our site was the Northern-west of the Gezira (Getaina area). Our research was (Problem solving oriented training). As an advisor, I was co-supervising a Ph. D. candidate and also two M. Sc. Candidates both have identification of desertification sources and origin of sand physics and sand movement, combating desertification using trees, screening of adaptable efficient trees, water harvest techniques to establish trees in such harsh areas, socioeconomic of desertified areas. Our coming research include Northern Butana area.
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
B. Sc. (Hon.), in Agrc. Sci., Faculty of Agric., University of Khartoum (1979).
Ph. D. (Environmental Physics, Microclimatology), University of Nottingham, UK, (1984).
Ph. D. (Environmental Physics, Microclimatology), University of Nottingham, UK, (1984).
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. Mohammed, H. A.; Clark, J. A. and Ong, C. K. (1985). The influence of Temperature during seed development on the germination characteristics of millet seeds. Plant, Cell and Environment.361.
2. Mohammed, H. A.; Clark, J. A. and Ong, C. K. (1988).Genotypic differences in the temperature responses of tropical crops. III Light interception and dry matter production of pearl millet. J. Expt. Bot. Vol.39, No. 205, pp. 1137-1143.
3. Mohammed, H. A. (1998). Rainfall in the Sudan: trend and Agricultural implications. Sud. J. Agric. Ress.,1: 45-48.
4. Nawal, K. A.; Mohammed, A. E. Steghter, C. J.and Mohammed, H. A. (1998). The physical potential of indigenous vegetation and other means to suppress sand movement and a secondary desertification source area near White Nile in Gezira, Sudan. In TTMI-Project and the Picnic Model pp. 173-183.
5. The establishment of Trees in severely desertified area. J.Env. Res. And Sust. Dev. (1998).
2. Mohammed, H. A.; Clark, J. A. and Ong, C. K. (1988).Genotypic differences in the temperature responses of tropical crops. III Light interception and dry matter production of pearl millet. J. Expt. Bot. Vol.39, No. 205, pp. 1137-1143.
3. Mohammed, H. A. (1998). Rainfall in the Sudan: trend and Agricultural implications. Sud. J. Agric. Ress.,1: 45-48.
4. Nawal, K. A.; Mohammed, A. E. Steghter, C. J.and Mohammed, H. A. (1998). The physical potential of indigenous vegetation and other means to suppress sand movement and a secondary desertification source area near White Nile in Gezira, Sudan. In TTMI-Project and the Picnic Model pp. 173-183.
5. The establishment of Trees in severely desertified area. J.Env. Res. And Sust. Dev. (1998).
Other activities
1. Sudanese Environmental Conservation Society (SECS).
2. Head of the Department of Environment Sciences and Natural Resources (1988-1998).
3. Deputy Dean of FAS (1990-1992).
4. Dean of FAS (1996- onwards).
5.Coordinator of the traditional techniques of microclimate improvements (TTMI-AN).
2. Head of the Department of Environment Sciences and Natural Resources (1988-1998).
3. Deputy Dean of FAS (1990-1992).
4. Dean of FAS (1996- onwards).
5.Coordinator of the traditional techniques of microclimate improvements (TTMI-AN).
Organisation name
University of Gezira
Organisation street address
Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Gezira. P. O. Box 20,
Organisation city
Organisation country