Independent experts nominated by country party

Abdelaziz El Maghraoui

First name
Last name
El Maghraoui
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Other Disciplines
Natural Resource Management
Information Systems
Animal Science
UN languages spoken




Job function
Telephone number
212 7 761876
Work experience
1979-80: Technician at the Ministry of Agriculture in Rabat, Morocco, in charge of Integrated Projects elaboration (Moyen Atlas Project)_x000D_
1981-89: Head of Animal production bureau at the ORMVA of Ouarzazate in charge of projects elaboration and execution in the fields of rangeland management, genetic improvement of cattle, sheep and goats, milk production and processing, goat cheese processing and poultry development._x000D_
1990-93: Head of Livestock Service at the ORMVA of Ouarzazate._x000D_
1993-Today: Head of Rangeland Management and Development Service at the Ministry of Agriculture in Rabat in charge of rangeland projects in Morocco.
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
Agricultural Engineer, Rangeland Management, IAV Hassan II, Rabat, Morocco, 1979.
Number of Publications
Publication titles
A. Ezzahiri, A. El Maghraoui, 1985, Les Systèmes alimentaires dans la zone d'action de l'ORMVA de Ouarzazate, Homme Tere et Eaux, Vol. 15 N° 61._x000D_
A. Ezzahiri, A. El Maghraoui, 1986, Comportement des Ahiplex en zone aride, 16èmes journées de l'ANPA._x000D_
3. A. Ezzahiri, A. El Maghraoui et M. Benlakhal 1987. Contribution à la détermination des coûts D'man, 17èmes journées de l'ANPA._x000D_
A. Ezzahrir, A. El Maghraoui, M. Benlakhal et M. Ouchtou, 1989: l'Elevage caprin dans la région de Ouarzazate, 19èmes journées de l'ANPA._x000D_
A. El Maghraoui, 1992, Amélioration Pastorale des Parcours de la Région de Ouarzazate, Parcours Demain Fév. 92.
Organisation name
Ministère de l'Agriculture, de l'Environnement et des Ressources naturelles
Organisation street address
Direction de l'Elegave
Organisation city
Organisation country