Independent experts nominated by country party

Alessandro Bozzini

First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Other Disciplines
Plant Science
Rural Development
UN languages spoken




Job function
Work experience
After 12 years of research in Genetics and Breeding food crops in the Agricultural Division of Italian Atomic Energy Commission(CNEN) he become the Director of the Division. For 8 years he has been teaching Genetics in the University of Siena. Two years in Turkey as FAO Expert in mutation breeding. As Chief of the FAO Service of Crop Production, Pastures development, Agrometereology, Genetic Resources and Seeds (!975-1985) he technically directed more than 400 projects in developing Countries. After the drought of Sahel in the ‘70s, he directed the crop and pasture rehabilitation in the area. From 1985 to 1991 he was Regional Representative for Europe of FAO, promoting cooperation among Countries and establishing 17 research networks in Europe and Mediterranean areas. From 1991 to1999 Director of Agriculture and Biotechnology Division of ENEA, dealing with R&D in crops, animal, aquaculture, agroindustry, soil conservation, water management, water and land utilization.
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
Dr. degree in Agriculture, University of Pisa (Italy) 1956_x000D_
Specialization in Cytogenetics and Crop Breeding, University of Minnesota (USA) 1958-1959_x000D_
Prof. Degree in Genetics, University of Siena (Italy) 1967 -1975
Number of Publications
Publication titles
Bozzini A.(1973) Improvement of Wheat Varieties Resistant to Moisture Stress in Rainfed Areas - Italy. Proc. IVth FAO/Rockefeller Foundation Wheat Seminar, Teheran, pp. 215-219._x000D_
Bozzini A.(1988) Origin, Distribution and Production of Durum Wheat in the World. Durum Wheat. Chemistry and Technology American Association of Cereal Chemists, St. Paul, Minnesota: 1-16._x000D_
Bozzini A. (2002) Vegetable Research and Poverty Alleviation. Vegetables for Sustainable Food and Nutritional Security in the New Millennium. Intern. Conference on Vegetables, November. 11-14 2002 Bangalore (India):32-37_x000D_
Bozzini A. Chiaretti D. (2006) Ri-domestication of Blue Lupine (Lupinus angustifolius L.) adapted to cultivation in Italian sub-acid soils. Journal of Genetics and Breeding 60 N° 3-4 pagg. 249-253.Italy_x000D_
Bozzini A., Calcagno F., SOARE T. (2007) “ Sincron” a new Brassica carinata cultivar for biodiesel production. Helia, 30 n°46 pp. 207-214
Other activities
1.Secretary (15 years) and President of Italian Society of Agricultural Genetics (SIGA)_x000D_
2.Member of the “Academy of Georgofili” of Florence _x000D_
3. Member of the Scientific Board of CIMMYT, ICRISAT, ISNAR, ICEHAM, CRA_x000D_
4.Consultant of FAO, IAEA, IFAD, UNIDO (after retirement)._x000D_
5.Consultant of EUC, Italian Ministries of Agriculture, of Industries and of Research.
1. Title of “Cavaliere” by the President of the Italian Republic
Organisation name
Food and Agriculture Organization
Organisation street address
Via Aurelia 302/B
Organisation city
S. Marinella (Roma)
Organisation country