Independent experts nominated by country party

Alicia Noemi Iglesias

First name
Alicia Noemi
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Discipline of Expertise
Other Disciplines
Natural Resource Management
UN languages spoken


Geographical Focus
Job function
Career Researcher/Professor
Telephone number
54 1 864 35 87
Work experience
1. Plan of environmental evaluation. FONOA-SETOP, Undersecretaryship of Environmental arrangements, Argentina (Expert), 1979-80._x000D_
2. Research Project Patagonia. An Economic and environmental model, CONICET (researcher), 1985-89._x000D_
3. Project Atlas of images of Spain and Ibero America. ICIV C, Spain (Scientific Collaborator) 1988-92_x000D_
4. Projects New technologies of diagnostic and planning of the environment - Spain and Latin America (GIS Teledetection ), CSIC, Spain 1991-1994. (Scientific Collaborator)._x000D_
5. Project "Basis for the development of an environmental information system" CONICET, UNLu (Director), 1993-1998._x000D_
6. Project "Settlements and environmental conflicts at the valleys of the rivers Neuquen and Limay". North of Patagonia, National University of Comahue, Argentina (External Collaborator) 1997-2000.
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
* Masters Degree in Geography, University of the South , 1971_x000D_
* Expert in Regional Economy, University of the South, 1972
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. Iglesias, A.N. (1988) Le Processus de desertificacion (…), Revue de Geographie Alpine, 83-98 TL XXVI._x000D_
2. Iglesias, A.N. (1992) Aelion Erosion, desertification and crisis (…), Magazine of Geographic Studies , CSIC Spain , 447-481, LIII._x000D_
3. Iglesias, A.N. (1995) Conflicts and places of the worldwide climatic change. Magazine of Geography. Complutense University of Madrid, No.15:401-410._x000D_
4. Iglesias, A.N. (co-direction) (1986) Territory - Total Atlas of the Argentine Republic, 382 pages, Pub: Centro Editor de America Latina._x000D_
5. Iglesias, A.N. (1997) Ecological economy and agrarian pollution. Economic Geography - Subjects. 498 pages. Pub. El Ateneo Buenos Aires.
Other activities
1. Evaluation of the National Council of Scientific and Technological Researches (CONICET), Argentina._x000D_
2. Evaluation of the Science and Technic Department of the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina._x000D_
3. Member, Academic Team of Experts, project "Policies of territorial arrangements". General department, Presidency of the Nation, Argentina._x000D_
4. Consultant of the environment plan - Institute of the Province of Buenos Aires, Development Manager, Province of Buenos Aires government, Argentina._x000D_
5. Member, Spanish Association of Teledetection and Work Team of Latin America Association of Spanish Geographers.
1. Professor, Researcher, Class A, Ministry of Culture and Education of the Nation, Argentina, 1995._x000D_
2. Award contribution to the Geography, University of Habana, Cuba, 1995
Organisation name
Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas
Organisation street address
Lavalle 3667 Piso 1, Dpto.4, 1190
Organisation city
Buenos Aires
Organisation country