Independent experts nominated by country party

Atiq-ur Rehman

First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Other Disciplines
Natural Resource Management
Animal Science
UN languages spoken


Job function
Scientific Officer
Pakistan Agricultural Res. Council
Telephone number
92 81 841006/840913
Work experience
1. FAO National Consultant (three months). Estimated forage/fodder production from rangelands of the project areas. Suggested a sustainable working grazing plan for the local communities._x000D_
2. Co-Principal Investigator (animal utilisation) of the multi-institutional ACIAR Project - Forage shrub production from saline and/or sodic soils in Pakistan._x000D_
3. Research in an ICARDA (International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas) group as a counter-part in upland Balochistan, Pakistan. The main focus of the research was sustainable increase in the productivity of the animals grazing rangelands of Balochistan.
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
Ph.D. Plant/animal interaction, The University of Western Australia, 1995.
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. Atiq-ur-Rehman, J.B. Mackintosh, B.E. Warren and D.R. Lindsay (1997). Grazing sheep on revegetated saline pastures: Effects of season and grazing on morphology and nutritive value of saltbush. The Rangeland Journal (Australia). In Press._x000D_
2. Atiq-ur-Rehman and J.B. Mackintosh (1995). Factors affecting preference of sheep for saltbush (Atriplex spp.). Proceedings of the Vth International Rangeland Congress, USA, 1:466-467._x000D_
3. Atiq-ur-Rehamn, J.B. Mackintosh, J.A. Fortune and B.E. Warren (1994). Can the voluntary feed intake of wheat straw in sheep be improved by mixing with saltbush (Atriplex amnicola)? Proceedings of the Australian Society of Animal Prroduction, 20: 175-177._x000D_
4. Atiq-ur-Rehman, S. Rafique, and B. Khan (11993). Fourwing Saltbush as a winter forage for sheep in upland Balochistan. Proceedings of the workshop on productive use of saline land, N° 42. Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR). GPO Box 1571, Canberra, Australia, 2601
Other activities
1. Pakistan Animal Husbandry Association (President, Balochistan Region)._x000D_
2. Member Global Change in Terrestrial Ecosystems (GCTE) Core Project of the International Geosphere-Biosphere Program (IGBP)._x000D_
3. Nutrition Society of Australia._x000D_
4. Australian Society of Animal Production.
1. Fellowship from Australian Center for International Agricultural Research, which enabled me to do Ph.D. at the University of Western Australia, Australia (1991-95)._x000D_
2. Post-graduate merit research scholarship for M.Sc. (Hons.) Animal Nutrition, Univ
Organisation name
Arid Zone Research Institute
Organisation street address
Brewery Road_x000D_
Brewery Road,, P.O. Box 63
Organisation city
Organisation country