Independent experts nominated by country party

Atsushi Tsunekawa

First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Other Disciplines
No Subject
No Subject
UN languages spoken


Job function
Arid Land Research Center
Telephone number
81 857-21-7036
Work experience
Participant of the following research project:_x000D_
1. Feasibility study on the environmental assessment of desertification in arid and semi-arid areas (1990-1991)_x000D_
2. Research on the evaluation of interaction between desertification and human activities in India (1992-1994)_x000D_
3. The development of sustainable biological production technologies harmonized with regional environmental condition in East Africa (1995-1999)_x000D_
4. Impact analysis of metropolitan policies for development and environmental conservation in the Philippines (1997-2001)
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
Dr. Agr., Landscape Planning, The University of Tokyo, 1989
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. Tsunekawa, A., 1994. Desertification monitoring using remote sensing techniques. In: Miyazaki, T., Tsunekawa, A., editors. Towards solving the global desertification (2) Research on the evaluation of interaction between desertification and human activities. Tsukuba: National Institute for Environmental Studies. Report nr F-69-94/NIES. 70-79_x000D_
2. Tsunekawa, A., Ikeguchi, H., Kainuma, M., Tobe, K., and Omasa, K., (1993): Effects of climatic change on the vegetation distribution in Japan. J. Agr. Met., 48(5), 867-870_x000D_
3. Tsunekawa, A., Zhang, X., Zhou G., Omasa K., 1995. Predicting responses to climatic change of the potential vegetation distribution in China. J Agr. Meteorol 51: 245-257_x000D_
4. Tsunekawa, A., Myazaki, T., Kar, A., 1996. Desert mapping using NOAA/AVHRR in Rajasthan, India. In Singh R.B. editor. Disasters, environment and development (proceedings of International Geographical Union seminar, New Delhi, December 9 - 12, 1994). New Delhi: Oxford & IBH; 1996. 283-297_x000D_
5. T
Other activities
1. The Remote Sensing Society of Japan_x000D_
2. The GIS Association of Japan_x000D_
3. The Japanese Association for Arid Land Studies_x000D_
4. Japanese Institute of Landscape Architects_x000D_
5. The Ecological Society of Japan
Organisation name
Tottori University
Organisation street address
Tottori University 1390 Hamasaka, 680-0001
Organisation city
Organisation country