Independent experts nominated by country party

Ayten Namli

Prof Dr.
First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Other Disciplines
Soil Science
Agricultural Sciences
Waste management
Thematic Areas
Land degradation
Geographical Focus
Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Soil Science
Telephone number
0090 5324549351
Work experience
- Teaching staff of Ankara University - Soil scientist and running projects on Environment and Natural Resources Management, Ecosystem Management and Sustainable Agriculture, Assessment of Environmental Impacts, Agricultural and Industrial Wastes Management, Bioremediation of Polluted Soil. _x000D_
- Executive member of t from 2012. - National Committee Member of GEF – UNDP Small Grant Project from 2011._x000D_
- Rio expert of Alignment of Turkey’s National Action Plan With UNCCD 10- Years Strategy and Reporting Process, FAO Project Symbol: GCP/TUR/060/GFF. _x000D_
- Expert of Environment in TBMM (Turkish Grand National Assembly). _x000D_
- Chairman of the Eurasian Journal of Soil Science, _x000D_
- Chairman of J. of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition_x000D_
- Scientific board of the some congress (Eurosoil 2012, 2‘nd NHumic substances congress).
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
Post doctorate: Sewage sludge and phosphate fertilizers, Surrey University, School of Biological Science, surrey/England, APR-1999, JAN-2000_x000D_
MSC degree: Soil biology and fertility, Ankara University Graduate Scholl of Natural and Applied Science/Ankara/Turkey SEP-1988 ,SEP-1990;_x000D_
Doctorate : Soil and coal fired power plants pollution, Ankara University Graduate, School of Natural and Aplied Science/AnkaraSEP-1990 , APR-1997,_x000D_
Graduate, Soil Science: Ankara University1987
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. Unver, I., Madenoglu, S., Dilsiz, A., Namli, A. 2013. Influence of rainfall and temperature on DTPA extractable nickel content of serpentine soils in Turkey. Geoderma 203-211._x000D_
2. Turgay, O.C., Karaca, A. Unver, S., Tamer, N. 2011. Effects of coal derived humic substances on some soil properties and bread wheat yield. Communications in soil science and plant analyses. 42:9, 1050-1070. _x000D_
3. Cetin, S.C., Karaca, A., Haktanir, K., Yildiz, H. 2007. Global attention to Turkey due to desertification. Environmental Monitoring and Assesment, 128:489-493._x000D_
4. Karaca, A. 2004. Effect of organic wastes on the extractability of cadmium, copper, nickel and, zinc in soil. Geoderma 122: 297-305. _x000D_
5. Karaca, A., Naseby, D., Lynch, J. 2002. Effect of cadmium-contamination with sewage sludge and phosphate fertiliser amendments on soil enzyme activities, microbial structure and available cadmium. Biology and Fertility of Soil. 35: 435-440.
Other activities
1. President of Soil Science Society of Turkey ( _x000D_
2. President of Eurasian Federation of Soil Science Society._x000D_
Member of American Society for Microbiology (ASM) _x000D_
3. Member of International Union of Soil Science _x000D_
4. Member of Humic Substance Society _x000D_
5. Member of Foundation of the People Caring for the Future (CARFU)
Organisation name
Ankara University
Organisation street address
ANKA, 06110
Organisation city
Organisation country