National Focal Points
Science and Technology Correspondents
Independent Experts Nominated by Party
UNCCD Accredited CSOs
National Action Programmes
Voluntary LDN Targets (Optional)
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
To increase the forest area:
• Increase the ratio of country’s forest land by 5% by 2030.
• Afforestation in 6,000 sq km by 2030,
• Soil conservation in 9,000 sq km by 2030 and
• Rehabilitation of 58 sq km of mine sites by 2019.
To improve productivity in forest land:
• Forest rehabilitation in 15,000 sq km by 2030
• 0.5 ha decrease in area affected by fire by 2030,
• Reduce the number of the human-induced fire by 3% by 2030.
To improve productivity in pasture land:
• Rehabilitate 7,500 sq km of pasture by 2030.
To improve productivity in agricultural land:
• Increase irrigation in 22,000 sq km by 2030,
• Carry out land consolidation activities in 140,000 sq km by 2023,
• Identify plains of great agricultural potential and register them as agricultural land in 55,000 sq km by 2023,
• Rehabilitate 20,000 sq km by 2030.
- Türkiye - LDN TSP Country Report, 2016, English