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Independent experts nominated by country party

Mehmet Ali Çullu

First name
Mehmet Ali
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Other Disciplines
Soil Science
Remote sensing
Thematic Areas
UN languages spoken


Geographical Focus
Job function
Department of Soil Science and Plant NutritionHarran University Agricultural Faculty
Telephone number
0090 414 3181080 /5379751034
Work experience
My major research field is soil mapping and classification. We are using remote sensing and GIS technologies for mapping and monitoring salinity and landuse changes. At same time integration of geostatistical methods can improve the quality of mapping. Remote sensing and GIS technologies gives huge possibilities for application for different purposes. We integrate field and lab. results with these technologies for derive data from wide areas and modeling. _x000D_
thematic areas: Remote Sensing, Salinity and GIS
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
Agricultural Engineer, Çukurova University, 1986
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. Cullu, M. A. S. Aydemir, M. Qadir, A. Almaca, A. R. Öztürkmen, A. Bilgic, and N. Agca. 2010. Implication of Groundwater Fluctuation on the Seasonal Dynamic in the Harran Plain, South-Eastern Turkey. Irrigation and Drainage Vol: 59, (4), P:465-476. Wiley InterScience._x000D_
2. Çullu, M. A., Estimation of the Effect of Soil Salinity on Crop Yield Using Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System.Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry. V:27, P:25-28, 2003._x000D_
3. Çullu, M. A., A. Almaca, Y. Sahin, S. Aydemir., Application of GIS for Monitoring Salinization in the Harran Plain, Turkey. International Conference on Sustainable Land Use and Management 2002. pp. 326-331._x000D_
4. Çullu, M. A., I. Çelik A. Almaca., Degradation of the Harran Plain Soils Due to Irrigation. Proceedigns of International Symposium on Desertification. 13-17 June 2000, Konya-Turkey. P-193-197._x000D_
5. Cullu M. A, A. V. Bilgili, A. Almaca, A.R. Ozturkmen, A. Aydemir, S. Aydemir, M. Aydogdu, Y. Sahin, S. Karakas Dikilitas, A. R. Mermut. 2012. Mapping of Salt Affected Lands Using Combination of Remote Sensing, GIS and Classical Methods: A Case Study in the Harran Plain.8th International soil Science Congress on “Land Dagradation and Challenges in Sustainable Soil Management”. P:140-145. May 15-17. Çesme, Izmir Turkey.
Other activities
1. Designing local framework for integrated water management_x000D_
2. Monitoring Landuse Change and Urbanization_x000D_
3. Estimation agricultural potential of Land mined areas by using remote sensing and GIS tech._x000D_
4. Monitoring salt dynamic and ground water fluctuation
1.Service award taken from Chamber of Agricultural Engineers_x000D_
2. Service award taken from Ministry of Development, GAP Regional Development Administration Directorate_x000D_
3. Award taken for contribution to NGO by IZDER
Organisation name
Academy of Agricultural Science
Organisation street address
Harran University Agricultural Faculty, Osmanbey Campus,
Organisation city
Organisation country