Independent experts nominated by country party

Orhan Dengiz

Assoc. Prof. Dr
First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Other Disciplines
Soil Science
Land Use Planning
Thematic Areas
Land degradation
Geographical Focus
Job function
Fakültesi Toprak Bilimi ve Bitki Besleme Bölümü
Telephone number
Work experience
2005-2008 - Researcher: The Scientfic and Technological Research Council of TurkeySpatial variability of some soil properties in the Çankiri-Yaprakli-Yukariöz region_x000D_
2007 - 2009- Project Leader; Ondokuz Mayis : UniversityDetermination of Soil Properties and Mapping in Ondokuz Mayis University Lake Area _x000D_
2007-2010 -Project LeaderThe Scientfic and Technological Research Council of Turkey_x000D_
2008- 2010- Researcher: Ondokuz Mayis UniversityDetermination of Land Suitability Classes and Modelling of Rice Cultivation Areas Using GIS in Kizilirmak and Yesilirmak Deltas_x000D_
2009 - 2011- Reseacher: Ondokuz Mayis: Characteristics of Soil Groups in Minöz Basin and Their Mapping based on Soil SeriesUniversityComparison of success criterions in land consolidation studies made using soil maps according to traditional and morphometric base: Bafra Örencik Village case study _x000D_
2009-2012- Researcher: Ondokuz Mayis University:Spatial Distribution of Some Physical Properties in Soils Affected Different Soil Tillage Processes_x000D_
2011-2012- Researcher: The Scientfic and Technological Research Council of Turkey: Use of Radar Imagery on Soil Survey and Mapping Studies_x000D_
2011-2013- Project Leader: Ondokuz Mayis University: Comparison of different parametric methods used for land evaluation studies_x000D_
2014-2016- Project Leader:The Scientfic and Technological Research Council of Turkey:Determination of Soil Formation and Weathering Rates of Basalt Parent Material Located on Different Topographic Positions Under Effects of Geochemical and Biological Process
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
PhD, Land Evaluation, Ankara _x000D_
University, 2002
Publication titles
1. Dengiz, O. ve Sarioglu F E. 2013. Parametric Approach with Linear Combination Technique in Land Evaluation Studies. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 19 (2), 101-112. _x000D_
2. Dengiz, O., Akgül, S. 2005. Soil erosion risk assessment of the Gölbasi Environmental Protection Area and its vicinity using CORINE Model. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 29 (6); 439-448._x000D_
3. Dengiz O. 2010. Morphology, Physico-Chemical Properties and Classification of Soils on Terraces of the Tigris River in the South-East Anatolia Region of Turkey. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 16 (3), 205-212. _x000D_
4. Dengiz, O., Ozcan, H., Köksal, E.S., Baskan, O., Kosker, Y. 2010. Sustainable Natural Resource Management and Environmental Assessment in The Salt Lake (Tuz Golu) Specially Protected Area. Journal of Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 161: 327-342._x000D_
5. Dengiz, O. and Baksan, O. 2009. Land Quality Assessment and Sustainable Land Use in Salt Lake (Tuz Gölü) Specially Protected Area. Journal of Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 148: 233-243.
Other activities
1. Member of the editorial board (Eurasian Journal of Soil Science, Soil-Water Journal, Anadolu Journal of Agricultural Science, Türkiye Tarimsal Arastirmalar Dergisi_x000D_
2. Scientific board of the some congress (Watershed management, III. National wetlands, III. National Soil and Water Resources) _x000D_
3. Secretarial board of the some congress (Eurasian Soil Congress, International Soil Science Congress on Management of Natural Resources to Sustain Soil Health and Quality)_x000D_
4. Membership of professional bodies: Soil Science Society of Turkey, International Union of Soil Science_x000D_
5. Advisors in some projects: in TUBITAK and in ÇEM (General Directorate of Combating to Desertification and Erosion Control)
Organisation name
Ondokuz Mayis University
Organisation street address
Ondokuz Mayis Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Toprak Bilimi ve Bitki Besleme Bölümü, 55139 Atakum/SAMSUN, 55139 A
Organisation city
takum/SAMSUN, Ondokuz
Organisation country