Independent experts nominated by country party

Bello Muhammadu

First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Discipline of Expertise
Other Disciplines
Environmental Sciences
Soil Science
UN languages spoken



Geographical Focus
Job function
Senior Lecturer
Chemistry Department, Shehu Shagari College of Education Sokoto, Department for Higher Education
Telephone number
23439687474; +447741931318
Work experience
1. Federal Ministry of environment_x000D_
Position: Assistant Project Manager (GEF-IEM Project) Nigeria Niger Joint Commission._x000D_
Experience: Building community resilience to climate change and reducing vulnerability to environmental change through creating enabling environment for operations; strengthening capacity of communities coupled with encouraging and supporting community participatory and development activities; Involving stake holders (States, Local governments authorities and NGOS); Monitoring, and Evaluation of project activities (2007-2009)_x000D_
2. Environmental Consultants and General Services (Ecogens Nigeria Limited)_x000D_
Position: Environmental Technical officer_x000D_
Experience: Environmental Impact Assessment studies (EIA), Reconnaissance Survey; HSE Policies; Developing Environmental Management Plans(EMPs),Environmental Mitigation Measures(EMMs)Environmental Social Safeguard Frameworks (ESSF) and Sustainable Land Management (SLM), Organising Trainings and Workshops (2006-2010): Consultancy/Private Job_x000D_
3. Shehu Shagari College of Education_x000D_
Position: Senior Lecture and Head of Chemistry Department (2007-2011)_x000D_
Experience: Provision of Qualitative learner’s support, e.g. Guidance and Preparatory Diagnosis; Facilitation of Students’ Learning Instructional materials; Teaching, Research, Supervision & Co-ordination; _x000D_
Thematic areas:1. Biomass; 2. Carbon sequestration; 3. Monitoring and Assessment; 4. Environmental Impact Assessments; 5. Sustainable Land management
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
1. B.Sc Applied Chemistry :Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto (April,1994)_x000D_
2. Advance diploma Land resources and Environmental Management: Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto (Oct. 1996)_x000D_
3. MSc. Applied Chemistry: Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto (December,2000)_x000D_
4. Graduate Diploma in Education: Shehu Shagari College of Education Sokoto, Nigeria (January, 2003)_x000D_
5. PhD. Renewable Energy Studies(Biomass): Cranfield University (Ongoing:2011-2014
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. Bello, M., et. al. "Some suggested procedures for curriculum developers in renewable energy studies in Nigerian Secondary Schools.” NIGERIAN JOURNAL OF RENEWABLE ENERGY, SOKOTO ENERGY RESEARCH CENTRE (SERC) USMANU DANFODIYO UNIV. SOKOTO. 11. 1&2 (2003): 86-89._x000D_
2. Umar, K. J., et al. "Antibacterial and phytochemical screening of methanolic extract of Celosia leptostachya Benth leaves on some selected clinical isolates." JOURNAL OF MEDICINAL PLANTS RESEARCH 5.28 (2011): 6473-6476._x000D_
3. Bello, M., et. al."Bio-degradation of agricultural waste (groundnut shell) for the production of Biogas and Bio Fertilizer.” 27TH INTERNATIONAL ANNUAL CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS CHEMICAL SOCIETY OF NIGERIA BENIN CITY EDO STATE NIGERIA 20th – 24TH SEPT. 2004._x000D_
4. Bello, M., et. al. "Community-Based approach Mechanism for Sustaining Renewable Energy Projects in Nigeria. " THE NIGERIAN JOURNAL OF RENEWABLE ENERGY, SOKOTO ENERGY RESEARCH CENTRE (SERC), USMANU DANFODIYO UNIVERSITY, SOKOTO 15. 1. (2010): 1-15.
Other activities
1. Professional member Institute of Chartered Chemists of Nigeria (ICCON)_x000D_
2. Member Environmental Society of Nigeria (MESN)_x000D_
3. Member Solar Energy Society of Nigeria (SESN) _x000D_
4. Associate member The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)_x000D_
5. Affiliate member The Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE)
Organisation name
University of Maiduguri
Organisation street address
Engineering Department, School of Engineering MK43 0AL; Bedfordshire_x000D_
Cranfield University_x000D_
United Kingdom
Organisation city
Sokoto State
Organisation country