Independent experts nominated by country party

Elizabeth Ardayfio-Schandorf

First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Discipline of Expertise
Other Disciplines
Natural Resource Management
UN languages spoken



Job function
Associate Professor
Department of Geography and Resource Development
Telephone number
233 21 500 786/394
Work experience
- I have been an environmental specialist and a gender expert with over 20 years of varied research, teaching, administrative and extension experience. My research experience and interests are in environmental resource utilization and management, rural energy systems, rural development, gender and development, family and development, and inter-relationships between population, socio-economic development and environmental linkages. I have also participated in and organised many national/international workshops and conferences in my field of expertise._x000D_
- Among the major studies I have conducted in the course of my work are "Women Lead in Food Germplasm and Herbs for Health', 'NGOs in Sustainable Agriculture and Farming Systems', 'The Rural Energy Crisis' and 'The Status of Women in Ghana'._x000D_
- I have also worked as a consultant to many national and international institutions/agencies in and outside Ghana. Among these are the United Nations University/Institute for Natural Resources i
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
- Post Doctoral Studies in Environmental Resource Utilization and Management/Rural Energy Systems, United Nations University, Tokyo/University of Ife, Nigeria, 1981_x000D_
- Post Doctoral Studies in Women, Public Policy and Development, University of Urbana, Illinois, USA, 1990_x000D_
- Ph.D., Geography, University of Birmingham, UK, 1970-74_x000D_
- B.A. Hons, Geography, University of Ghana, 1966-69
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. 'Women and the Fuelwood Crisis in Africa'. In African Development Perspectives Year Book, Vol. 3, 1992: 'Energy and Sustainable Development', University of Bremen, Germany;_x000D_
2. Women's Health Status in Africa: Environmental Perspectives from Rural Communities. In Journal of Health Care for Women International, Indianapolis, USA, 1994;_x000D_
3. 'Women and Environment in Africa. In War Against Women. Published by the Swiss Peace Foundation, Berne, Switzerland, 1995;_x000D_
4. Women's Work and Environmental Degradation in Ghana. In Proceedings of Resource Conservation for Ghana's Sustainable Development. Environmental Protection Council and The European Economic Community, 1987, Acca;_x000D_
5. Rural Development Strategies in Northern Ghana. Problems and Prospects for Reaching the Small Farmer. Centre for Development Studies Monograph Series, No. 18, GEO Books, Ltd., Norwich, UK, 1983.
Other activities
1. Member, Ghana Geographical Association_x000D_
2. African Representative, International Geographical Union, Gender Commission (1992-96)_x000D_
3. Resource Person, United Nations University, Institute of Natural Resources in Africa, Legon/Tokyo_x000D_
4. Environmental Advisor, Royal Netherlands Embassy, Ghana
Organisation name
University of Ghana
Organisation street address
P.O. Box 59
Organisation city
Organisation country