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Independent experts nominated by country party

Emil Fulajtar

First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Discipline of Expertise
Other Disciplines
Soil Science
Environmental Sciences
Agricultural Sciences
UN languages spoken




Job function
Head of Department
National Agriculture and Food Centre - Soil Science and Conservation Institute
Telephone number
00421 2 48206971
Work experience
Research projects aimed on land degradation, impact of climate change and drought mitigation, erosion mapping with remote sensing, mesurements of soil erosion rates, implementation of radionuclide and stable isotope methods, integrated watershed management for prevention of runoff. erosion, pollution and flooding, soil genesis, management of international research projects: working groups leader in EU projects, GS SOIL " (On harmonization of soil data in EU countries) and URBAN SMS" (on development of soil management strategy in urban areas). Science officer at the COST Office (2001-2005) responsible for environmental domain: management of international research projects of EU networking programme COST (annual budget of 700 000 Euro), science Officer at the IAEA (2006-2007): management of coordinated research programmes and technical cooperation projects of IAEA (annual budget of 1000000USD).;_x000D_
Geographic ares of field experience: Contienental oceanic temperate climate of Europe: Solvakia, Czeck Republic, Poland; bulgaria, Ukraine and Belgium, arid climate and sessonal dry tropics: Egypt, Iraq, Tajikistan, Mongolia, El salvador, China and Sudan
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
Mgr. in Physical geography, Commenius University, Bratislava 1987_x000D_
Msc. in Soil Science, International Training Centre, University of Ghent, 1993_x000D_
PhD. in Soil Science, Commenius University, Bratislava, 2003
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. Mabit, L., Meusburger, K., Fulajtar, E., Alewell, C. 2013. The usefulness of Cs-137 as a tracer for soil erosion assessment: A critical reply to Parsons and Foster (2011), Earth-science reviews, Volume 127, 300-307;_x000D_
2. Fulajtar E., 2003. Assessment of soil erosion on arable land using the Cs easurements and conservaion methods: a case study from Jaslovske Bohuniece, Slovakia, Soil and Tillage research, 69 (1-2), 139-152;_x000D_
Van der Perk M., Slavik O., Fulajtar E., 2002. Assessment of Spatial variation of cesium-137 in small catchments, Journal ofEnvironment Quality 31 (6), 1930-1939;_x000D_
Suri, M., Cebecauer, T., Hofierka, J., Fulajtar, E., 2002., Soil erosion assessment of Slovakia at regional scale using GIS, Ecology, 21 2002/4, 404-422;_x000D_
Slavik O., Fulajtar E., Mueller H., Prohl G., 2001. Model food chain transfer and dose assessment in areas of the Slovak Republic, Radiation and Environmental Biophysics 1., 59-67
Other activities
1. Member of UNCCD Ad Hoc Group of Scientific Advice (AGSA) (2012-2013)_x000D_
2. Expert services for technical cooperation projects of IAEA (Mongolia, Tajikistan, El Salvador)_x000D_
3. Expert services for private enterprices - soil survey, erosion assessment (Iraq, Czech Republic, El Salvador_x000D_
4. Work in COST technical committee on environment (since 2005) evaluation of cost research networking projects_x000D_
5. Activities in other international and national profession organizations (International Union of Soil Science, European Society for Soil Conservation, European Land and Soil Aliance, Slovak Soil Science Society
Organisation name
Soil Science and Conservation Research Institute
Organisation street address
Gagarinova 10, 82713
Organisation city
Organisation country