Independent experts nominated by country party

Eugenio Caviedes

First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Discipline of Expertise
Other Disciplines
Agricultural Sciences
UN languages spoken



Job function
Faculty of Professor
Faculty of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences
Telephone number
56 2 6785706
Work experience
Proyect Ecologycal Bases for chilean arid zones development: CEPE/CNRS U. of Chile. Polythematic mapping of 300.000 hectares (Vegetation, Desertification, Phytoecology, Range, and Veget. Dynamics 1:50.000 and 1:100.000 1978-1987. Proyect Natural Resources Management of Comunidade Agricolas of the IV region, Chile, PNUD/FAO/CONAF/U de Chile 1986-89. Sustainable agriculture in chilean arid zones: Use of satellite data on present status of soil-vegetation complex. 1992-1996._x000D_
Field experience on phytoecology inventories, vegetation mapping, soil-vegetation complex inventories for satellite monitoring. I was the chilean scientific counterpart in the three named proyects and worked with Gilbert LONG, Michel ETIENNE and Jean POUGET.
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
Master of Science, Agronomy, Virginia Pol. Inst. & State Univ. USA 1971._x000D_
Diplôme d'Etudes Aprof., Univ. des Sc. et Tech. du Languedoc, Mopntpellier Cepe/CNRS, Montpellier, France 1976.
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. Pouget, J.M., Caviedes, E., Hamelin, Ph., Remy, D., Mathieu, R. 1996. Ambiente arifo y desarrollo sustentable. La Provincia de Limari. ORSTOM/U de Chile, ISBN 956-19-0230-3, 103 p., Santiago._x000D_
2. Pouget, J.M., Caviedes, E. y Le Floc'h, E. 1995. Aporte de las imágenes satelitales SPOT para la caracterización del estado de degradación del complejo suelo-vegetación, en areas de clima mediterráneoárido de Chile. Av en P. Anim. Vol 20:1-2, 25-43. Chile._x000D_
3. AZOCAR, P., Caviedes, E., Guzman, V., Perez, A. 1994. Sistemas de producción para el desarrollo integral del secano costero de las Regiones IV y V. Proy. FIA Min. Agr./U de Chile, 150 p, Santiago._x000D_
4. CAVIEDES, E. 1991. Principales recursos forrajeros del altiplano de la Región de Tarapacá, Chile. VII Cong,. Int. Cam. SudAmer., Jujuy Argentina, 12 p., 1 mapa esc. 1:50.000_x000D_
5. CAVIEDES, E. & INFANTE, R. 1987. Establecimiento de una zona piloto para un programa demanejo racional. Com. Agr. Yerba Loca. Proy. CONAF/PNUD/F
Other activities
1. Professor of Forrage Production, College of Agriculture, 1970-1997._x000D_
2. Professor of Agroecology, Graduate School, U. of Chile 1970-1997._x000D_
3. Member of SOCHIPA (Chilean Animal Production Society).
Organisation name
University of Chile
Organisation street address
Santa Rosa 11315, Casilla 1004
Organisation city
Organisation country