Independent experts nominated by country party

Fabio Attorre

First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Discipline of Expertise
Other Disciplines
Environmental Sciences
Information Systems
Thematic Areas
UN languages spoken




Geographical Focus
South Africa
Job function
Department of Environmental Biology, Sapienza University of Rome
Telephone number
0039 06 49912818
Work experience
I have been working as scientific coordinator in several projects founded by the Italian Development Cooperation and implemented by international organization such as UNCCD, IUC; UNDP and FAO in different geographical contexts (Albania, Yemen, Ecuador, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Papua New Guinea). These projects were aimed at addressing environmental issues such as desertification, climate change, biodiversity conservation and sustainable development with a systemic approach integrating all the relevant socio-economic and environmental aspects and by increasing the local capacity particularly dealing with gender-related issues. From a scientific point of view, in these project I applied GIS and remote sensing technologies to assess the effect of desertification processes, climate change and land use management on natural resources, alien species spread and impacts, and species and ecosystem conservation._x000D_
Thematic areas: Afforestation, Biodiversity, Climate change, Conservation, Deforestation, Desertification, Ecosystem services, Environmental impact assessment, Integrated natural resource management, Land cover change, Rangeland ecology, Reforestation, Remote sensing, Vegetation change and degradation; Geographic areas of field experience: Yemen, Ecuador, South Africa, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Albania, Papua New Guinea
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
PhD in Remote sensing application for vegetation mapping, Sapienza University of Rome,
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. De Sanctis M., Adeeb A., Farcomeni A., Patriarca C., Saed A., Attorre F. 2013. Classification and distribution patterns of plant communities on Socotra Island, Yemen. Applied Vegetation Science, 16: 148–165_x000D_
2. Attorre F., De Sanctis M., Farcomeni A., Guillet A., Scepi E., Vitale M., Pella F., Fasola M. 2013. On the use of Spatial Ecological Modelling as a tool for improving the assessment of geographic range size of threatened species. Journal for Nature Conservation, 21: 48–55._x000D_
3. Guillet A., Malatesta L., Falcetta M., Attorre F. 2012. Systemic Spatial Decision Support Systems: an integrated, computeraided tool for biodiversity conservation. Plant Biosystems, 146 (4): 814-826._x000D_
4. Senan A., Tomasetto F., Somashecar R.K, Farcomeni A., Attorre F. 2012. Determinants of plant species invasion in Socotra Island (Yemen). Plant Ecology, 213: 1381-1392._x000D_
5. Attorre F., Taleb N., De Sanctis M., Farcomeni A., Guillet A., Vitale M. 2011. Developing conservation strategies for endemic tree species when faced with time and data constraints: Boswellia spp. on Socotra (Yemen). Biodiversity and Conservation, 20 (7): 1483-1499.
Other activities
1. Since 2011, member of the IUCN Commission on Ecosystem Management _x000D_
2. Representative of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in several international fora such as IUCN world congresses (Barcelona-Spain 2008, Jeju- South Korea 2012) GLISPA (Auckland – New Zealand 2010), CBD COP (Hyderabad - India 2012), UNCCD COP (Windhoek - Namibia 2013) _x000D_
3. Since 2010, member of the Italian National Biodiversity Network of the Ministry of Environment _x000D_
4. Since 2012, member of the Albanian National Biodiversity Network of the Ministry of Environment _x000D_
5. Since 2011, Editor of the Plant Biosystem Journal
1. Since 2012 vice president of the Botanical Garden of Rome _x000D_
2. Since 2012 Member of the Council of the Italian Association of Vegetation Science _x000D_
3. Since 2010 Member of the European Association of Vegetation Science
Organisation name
Universita di Roma TRE
Organisation street address
P.le A. Moro 5, 00185_x000D_
Sapienza University of Rome
Organisation city
Organisation country