Independent experts nominated by country party
Fernando Santibanez
First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Other Disciplines
Agricultural Sciences
Atmospheric Sciences
Information Systems
Agricultural Sciences
Atmospheric Sciences
Information Systems
UN languages spoken
Job function
Full progessor
Telephone number
56 2 6785734
Work experience
Modeling desertification and monitoring systems, agriculture in arid lands, climatic change and arid zone ecology, bioclimatic modeling and ecosystem modeling Responsible for several research international projects
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
Agronomist, 1971; Docteur Ingenieur, University of Paris, 1974, Docteur D'Etat Es Sciences 1986, University of Paris
Number of Publications
Publication titles
Santibanez F, and J Pérez, 1997: Unified methodology to assess the desertification in Latin America: Physical, Biological and Socioeconomical indicators. FAO/UNEP/University of Chile 150 pp_x000D_
Santibanez F, 1997: Possible impact on agriculture due to climatic change and variability in South America. In Climate and Societies-A climatological perspective. Kluwer Academic Publishers. The Netherlands. P 255-277_x000D_
Santibanez F. and V. Marin 1998: Computer tools for sustainable management of arid and Anatarctic ecosystems. University of Chile/IBM International Foundation, Santiago, Chile. 300 pp_x000D_
Santibanez Q.F, 1999 Un sistema de Informacion y Modelamiento Ambiental (EIMS) para el Desarrollo Sustenable. Anales de la Universidad de Chile Sexta serie N°8 pp 163-168_x000D_
Santibanez F. Q y J.M. Uribe 1999 Origen y variabilidad y aspectos agrocliméticos de las sequias en Chile. En : Las Sequias en Chile: causas, consecuencias y mitigacion. Universidad Catolica de Chile. Capitulo 2, 23-33
Santibanez F, 1997: Possible impact on agriculture due to climatic change and variability in South America. In Climate and Societies-A climatological perspective. Kluwer Academic Publishers. The Netherlands. P 255-277_x000D_
Santibanez F. and V. Marin 1998: Computer tools for sustainable management of arid and Anatarctic ecosystems. University of Chile/IBM International Foundation, Santiago, Chile. 300 pp_x000D_
Santibanez Q.F, 1999 Un sistema de Informacion y Modelamiento Ambiental (EIMS) para el Desarrollo Sustenable. Anales de la Universidad de Chile Sexta serie N°8 pp 163-168_x000D_
Santibanez F. Q y J.M. Uribe 1999 Origen y variabilidad y aspectos agrocliméticos de las sequias en Chile. En : Las Sequias en Chile: causas, consecuencias y mitigacion. Universidad Catolica de Chile. Capitulo 2, 23-33
Organisation name
University of Chile
Organisation street address
Santa Rosa 11315_x000D_
La Pintana
La Pintana
Organisation city
Organisation country