Independent experts nominated by country party

Gilbert Afugu Roy Ayariga

First name
Gilbert Afugu Roy
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Discipline of Expertise
Other Disciplines
Natural Resource Management
Agricultural Sciences
Soil Science
and Sociology
UN languages spoken


Job function
Irrigation Agronomist
Telephone number
233 71 23 161
Work experience
- Deputy Regional Agriculture Extension Officer: Responsible for the design and dissemination of agricultural production technologies for adoption by small scale farmers. Crops include maize, sorghum, soybeans, millets and rice;_x000D_
- Irrigation Agronomist: Designed and implemented guidelines for formation of Water Users Associations at small scale irrigation schemes in Northern Ghana. Responsible for promoting irrigated crop production at 44 small dams in IFAD-sponsored projects in Upper East and Upper West Regions
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
- M.Sc., Land and water Management, Irrigation Water Management (option), Cranfield University, UK, 1992_x000D_
- B.Sc., Hons, Agriculture, Soil Science, University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana, 1981
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. Small scale Irrigation in Northern Ghana: A Modus Operandi for Farmer-Management. M.Sc. thesis, Silsue College, Cranfield University_x000D_
2. Promoting Farmer-Management of small dams in the Upper East Region of Ghana. Working Paper I. MOFA/IFAD document_x000D_
3. Soil Fertility Synthesis and Analysis of Sandema Area of Upper East Region of Ghana: ILEIA sponsored document
Other activities
1. Member of the Agricultural Society of Ghana_x000D_
2. Member of Irrigation Management Network_x000D_
3. FAO National Consultant on Irrigation Training, Ghana_x000D_
4. IFAD Consultant on dam rehabilitation undertaken by Upper West Agricultural Development Project (UWADEP)
Organisation name
Ministry of Food and Agriculture
Organisation street address
P.O. Box 3
Organisation city
Organisation country