Independent experts nominated by country party

Gina Nilo

First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Other Disciplines
Natural Resource Management
Agricultural Sciences
Soil Science
UN languages spoken


Job function
Chief Agriculturist
Bureau of Soils and Water Management
Telephone number
63 2 923-0474
Work experience
- Chief Agriculturist Soil Survey Division of Bureau of Soils and Water management_x000D_
- Supervising Agriculturist, Agricultural Land Management and Evaluation Division_x000D_
- Project Coordinator in the Australian Centre for Integrated Agricultural _x000D_
- National Assistant Team Leader, of the Soil and Water Resources Research and Development Extension Network_x000D_
-Zonal Coordinator for Soil and Water Resources RDE Network_x000D_
- Program Leader for Multi-level Approach to the Assessment Of Sustainability in the Upland_x000D_
- Project Leader for Assessment of Sustainibility in the Uplands using Soil and Socio Economic Indicators and for Managment and Rehabilitation of Degraded Hillyland_x000D_
- Group Coordinator for Management of Salt Areas for Agriculture of Critical Municipalities in CALABAR_x000D_
- Unit Head of Technical Assistance Staff of BWSM_x000D_
- Team Leader_x000D_
-Project Leader for Land Valuation Studies in support to CARP for Davao del Norte and Laguna_x000D_
- Head of Farm Valuation Section of the Agricultural Land Man
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
- Ph.D. (Candidate) Environmental Science, University of the Philippines, Diliman_x000D_
- MS Agricultural Engineering, Soil and Water Option, Silsoe College, Cranfield Institute of Technology, England_x000D_
- PG Diploma Course in Soil Science, Agricultural University of Norway_x000D_
- BS Agricultural, soil science, Gregorio Araneta University Foundation
Number of Publications
Publication titles
- The Birth of Conservation Farming Village in the Philippines: The Outlook on Government Support Institutional Linkages and Policy Environment, p. 225 Management and Rehabilitation of Degraded Hillylands in the Philippines, 2002_x000D_
- Management of Salt Affected Coastal Soils in the Philippines, FAO-BSWM_x000D_
- Laws and Policies to Counteract Land Degradation, BWSM Land Degradation_x000D_
- Proceddings of Crop Diversification in Monsoon Areas, Agricultural Production Organization, Japan, 1994_x000D_
- Soil Conservation and Watershed Management in the Philippies, Agricultural Production Organization, Japan, 1997
Other activities
-Seminar of Watershed Management_x000D_
- Annual meetilng of the Asialand Mgt. Of Sloping lands Networks_x000D_
- soil conservation & watershed Management_x000D_
- first international course on Environmental Assessments for Sustainable Land Use_x000D_
- study meeting o agricultural Diversion in Monsoons areas_x000D_
-land use information system and planning_x000D_
- climate change enabling project`s vulnerability and Adoption Assessment Consultative Workshop_x000D_
- UN CCD "National Awareness Seminar- Workshop on Combatin land degradation and Mitigaiting Effects of Drought in Mindanao_x000D_
- International Symposium on Sustainable Soil and Water Resources management_x000D_
- International Workshop on Land Resources Information Systems in Asia_x000D_
-GIS Tools for Rural Development_x000D_
-First Asia-Pacific Conference and Exhibition Ground and Water Bio-engineering for Erosion Control and Slope Stabilization_x000D_
-11th Asia Soil Conservation Network for Humid topics_x000D_
-International Symposium on Management Technologies for the improvement of problem so
1Member, World Association in Soil Conservation_x000D_
2Member, International Erosion Control Association_x000D_
3member, Philippine Society of Soil Science and Technology_x000D_
4member, BSWM Employees Association_x000D_
-Academic Awards_x000D_
-Outstanding employee - BSWM_x000D_
Organisation name
Organisation street address
Elliptical Road corner Visayas Ave. Diliman
Organisation city
Quezon City
Organisation country