Independent experts nominated by country party

Hector Francisco del Valle

First name
Hector Francisco
Last name
del Valle
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Discipline of Expertise
Other Disciplines
Soil Science
UN languages spoken


Geographical Focus
Job function
Senior Researcher
Centro Nacional Patagonico
Telephone number
54 965 73680/51024
Work experience
In the last years, I worked closely in the use of remote sensing and ground surveys data for interpretation of desertification processes and compilation of synthesized thematic maps. I published several articles on assessment, mapping and monitoring desertification. The relevant experience showed in my study Status of Desertification in Patagonia Region (in revision in Arid Soil Research and Rehabilitation Journal), can be used for the development of land and conservation of nature at a regional level. This document which ranks (classifies), delimits (digital geographical location) and defines orders of magnitude (surface) of environmental damage, is available. This study has provided the basis for the future establishment of monitoring sites to assess trends in the status of desertification. During my stay in Mexico and Germany, I worked to promote rangeland and soil conservation in Patagonia. Upon my return to Argentina, I worked closely with other Argentine faculty and researc
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
* Dr. in Agronomy, Universidad Nacional del Sur (UNS), Bahia Blanca, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Oct. 1996._x000D_
* M. Sc. in Pedology, College of Postgraduates of Chapingo, Mexico, Dec. 1983._x000D_
* BS in Agricultural Engineer, College of Agricultural Sciences, Universidad Nacional del Sur (UNS), Bahia Blanca, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1973.
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. del Valle H.F., L. Frulla and D.A. Gagliardini, 1997. Segmentation of Textures in ERS-1/SAR images applied to evaluate land degradation of rangelands (Central Patagonia, Argentina). International Seminar on the use and applications of ERS in Latin America. ESA (European Space Agency). ESA SP-405, pp.177-184._x000D_
2. del Valle, H.F., D.A. Gagliardini, J. Milovich, G. Defosse and M.C. Dentoni, 1997. Applications of ERS-1/SAR images for monitoring land cover changes in a burnt area of rangelands (Central Patagonia, Argentina). International Seminar on the use and applications of ERS in Latin America. ESA (European Space Agency). ESA SP-405, pp. 195-200._x000D_
3. del Valle, H.F. , D.A. de Lamo and D.A. Gagliardini, 1997. Environmental affinity of the guanaco (Lama guanicoe Müller, Camelidae) in two selected areas of Central Patagonia supported by ERS-1SAR data. Earth Observation Quarterly, 55._x000D_
4. Vogt, T. and H.F. del Valle, 1994. Calcretes and cryogenic structures in the area of Pue
Other activities
1. Adviser of projects and natural resource specialist for: National Institute for Agricultural Technology (INTA) of Argentina, German Technical Cooperation Agency, Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) and Inter-american Institute for Agricultural Cooperation (IICA-OEA)._x000D_
2. Associate Professor, Patagonia University, Argentina_x000D_
3. Fundacion Patagonia Natural (Ecologist Foundation)_x000D_
4. Soil Science Society of Argentina_x000D_
5. Latin American Remote Sensing Society (SELPER)
1. Award - Perito Francisco P. Moreno (1991). Sociedad Argentina de Estudios Geograficos
Organisation name
Centro Nacional Patagonico
Organisation street address
C.C. 128, 9120, Puerto Madryn
Organisation city
Organisation country