Independent experts nominated by country party
Helio Carillo Peñuela
First name
Last name
Carillo Peñuela
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Discipline of Expertise
Other Disciplines
Soil Degradation
Environmental Management
Environmental Management
UN languages spoken
Job function
Consultor Agrologist
Telephone number
571 + 5284124
Work experience
Agrologist, with experience in the development of diagnostic studies environmental planning, agro-ecological zoning, environmental zoning and environmental management plans, through the characterization of soils, interpretation of aerial photographs and satellite imagery processing, with emphasis on physiographic analysis terrain, vegetation cover, land use and soil degradation by erosion in dry areas._x000D_
During the development of the various projects I have applied modern techniques like geo-statistics for the analysis and interpretation spatialization of climatic and pedological information. As for precision agriculture have implemented land evaluation as a method for identifying optimal areas for the development of crops such as sisal on slopes among others._x000D_
I have also participated in the development and implementation of the methodology to evaluate and update the vulnerability of Colombian territory to desertification and drought in the context of climate change, through the application of geographic information systems (GIS) and remote sensing. _x000D_
Geographic areas of field experience: Colombia, Dry areas, Dry areas like Patia, Chicamocha, Cesar, Villa de Leyva
During the development of the various projects I have applied modern techniques like geo-statistics for the analysis and interpretation spatialization of climatic and pedological information. As for precision agriculture have implemented land evaluation as a method for identifying optimal areas for the development of crops such as sisal on slopes among others._x000D_
I have also participated in the development and implementation of the methodology to evaluate and update the vulnerability of Colombian territory to desertification and drought in the context of climate change, through the application of geographic information systems (GIS) and remote sensing. _x000D_
Geographic areas of field experience: Colombia, Dry areas, Dry areas like Patia, Chicamocha, Cesar, Villa de Leyva
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
Agrologist, Tadeo Lozano University, 1997
Publication titles
1. IDEAM. ,Second National Communication to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change to Colomia. C3%B3n_Preliminares.pdf_x000D_
2. _CORPOICA. Land evaluation for frucaea, 2004-2005_x000D_
3. UNDP-IDEAM, Study of Colombia vulnerability to desertification, 2007-2009, intern report
2. _CORPOICA. Land evaluation for frucaea, 2004-2005_x000D_
3. UNDP-IDEAM, Study of Colombia vulnerability to desertification, 2007-2009, intern report
Organisation name
Instituto de Hidrología, Meteorología y Estudios Ambientales
Organisation street address
Carrera 10 No 20-30 6th floor
Organisation city
Bogotá D.C.
Organisation country
Organisation website