Date of Ratification
Annex III: Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC)

Science and Technology Correspondents

National Action Programmes

  • Colombia - National Action Programme, 2004, Spanish

Voluntary LDN Targets (Optional)

National voluntary LDN targets (original language)

A nivel subnacional se presentan las siguientes metas:
• Al 2030 se restaurarán al menos 9.000 ha de coberturas de pastos en bosques en la región Caribe
• Al 2030 se mejorarán al menos 9.000 ha de coberturas de pastos en sistemas silvopastoriles.
• Al 2030 se mejorará la productividad de al menos 2.000 ha de suelos con cultivos y/o pastos, con sistemas productivos agroforestales en la zona caribe y andina (departamentos de Sucre, Santander y Boyacá).
• Al 2030 se conservarán 22.000 ha de bosques secos.
• Al 2030 se compensará la calidad de la vegetación natural para 580 familias en la región de la Guajira, con el fomento de plantación de especies forestales.
• Al 2030 se restaurarán unas 3200 ha de bosque seco en la región de la Guajira.
• Restauración de al menos 100.000 ha de tierras degradadas a nivel nacional en el marco de la meta nacional de Colombia bajo la iniciativa LAC20x20.
• Incorporar en por lo menos 5 instrumentos de planificación criterios y medidas que fomenten el uso adecuado del suelo y la preservación de sus funciones y servicios ecosistémicos, en el marco de las orientaciones de la Política de gestión integral del suelo.

National voluntary LDN targets - English*

At the subnational level:
• By 2030 at least 9,000 ha of pasture cover will be restored in forests in the Caribbean region
• By 2030, at least 9,000 ha of pasture cover will be improved in silvo-pastoral systems.
• By 2030, the productivity of at least 2,000 ha of soils with crops and / or pastures will be improved, with agroforestry production systems in the Caribbean and Andean regions (Sucre, Santander and Boyacá departments).
• By 2030, 22,000 ha of dry forests will be conserved.
• By 2030, the quality of natural vegetation will be compensated for with the promotion of plantation of forest species for 580 families in the Guajira region.
• By 2030 some 3,200 ha of dry forest will be restored in the Guajira region.
• Restoration of at least 100,000 hectares of degraded land at the national level within the framework of the national goal of Colombia under the LAC20x20 initiative.
• Incorporate in at least 5 planning instruments, criteria and measures that promote the adequate use of soil and the preservation of its functions and ecosystem services, within the framework of the integrated land management policy.

*An unofficial translation into English is provided for countries which articulated their targets in other languages.
  • Colombia - LDN Country Commitments, 2018, Spanish
  • Colombia - LDN TSP Country Report, 2018, Spanish

National Drought Plans

  • Colombia - National Drought Plan, 2020, English

Country reports