Independent experts nominated by country party

Reinaldo Sánchez López

First name
Last name
Sánchez López
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Other Disciplines
Soil Degradation
Natural Resource Management
UN languages spoken


Job function
Grupo de Suelos y Tierras. Instituto de Hidrología,
Telephone number
571 3527160 Ext 1700-17023108576192
Work experience
Fifteen (15) years as a professional in the environmental sector , seven ( 7) years as a university lecturer in the environmental area . During the last twelve (12) years and as an officer of IDEAM , I've been active in basic and applied research in the area of soil and land . Deputy Director (E) of the sub Ecosystem and Environmental Information IDEAM . On the issue of land degradation and have participated in research projects and monitoring of these processes, particularly in the areas of erosion, salinization and desertification of soils and land. I have participated in research for Land Degradation Atlas of Desertification in Colombia. In applied research for the development of the first phase of the National Action Plan to combat desertification and management of drylands in Colombia. Participation in basic and applied research for the environmental report on the state of the environment and renewable natural resources in Colombia. University Professor of Environmental Engineering faculty in the area of soil degradation and pollution , environmental land management and environmental impact .Master Trainer for the program, Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment - GLOBE (NASA - UCAR ), in the area of soil and land cover. Thesis director for the "Development of protocols for tracking and monitoring of soil and land degradation by salinization in Colombia ". Participate as a researcher and IDEAM delegate technical committee of the research project to define the "Methods and protocols for the identification and assessment of soil processes and land degradation through erosion, salinization and desertification at the national , regional and local " coming forward with the Ministry of Environment, Housing and Territorial Development MAVDT the Codazzi - IGAC and the Institute of Hydrology , Meteorology and Environmental Studies IDEAM .We perform project coordination for the establishment of the "Baseline of land degradation and erosion of critical areas at national and / or regional level, and advance the monitoring strategy and monitoring of land degradation and land in Colombia .
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. IDEAM, 1997 – 2013, Climate Prediction and alerts - To plan and decide, ISBN: 1009-3314; _x000D_
2. IDEAM, 2010, State Renewable Natural Resources in Colombia, ISBN 978-958-8067-35; _x000D_
3. COLOMBIAN SOCIETY OF SOIL SCIENCE, 2012, Program Proposal tracking and monitoring of land degradation and land in Colombia; _x000D_
4. IGAC - IDEAM – MADS, 2011, Protocol for monitoring and monitoring of land degradation and land erosion in Colombia; _x000D_
5. IGAC - IDEAM – MADS, 2011, Protocol for monitoring and monitoring of land degradation and salinization lands in Colombia; _x000D_
6. IGAC - IDEAM – MADS, 2011, Protocol for monitoring and monitoring of land degradation and desertification lands in Colombia;_x000D_
7. IDEAM- IGAC- IAvH- IIAP – Invemar – Sinchi, 2007, Continental coastal and marine ecosystems of Colombia, ISBN 978-958-8323-16-9;_x000D_
8. IGAC, 2006, Geographical Analysis - Number 3, ISSN 0120-8551;_x000D_
9. IDEAM, 2004, Annual Report of the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources in Colombia, ISBN 958-8067-11-1;_x000D_
10. IDEAM, 2002, Moorlands and High Andean Ecosystems Colombia in HotSpot condition, ISBN 8067-05-07;_x000D_
11. IDEAM, 2001, Profile of the state of natural resources of the environment in Colombia, ISBN 958-8067-07-3;_x000D_
12. IDEAM, 2002, First Generation Indicators Baseline Environmental Information Colombia, ISBN958-8067-08-1;_x000D_
13. Edicundi, 1997, Environmental Zoning Jurisdiction Corpoguav;
Organisation name
Instituto de Hidrología, Meteorología y Estudios Ambientales
Organisation street address
Carrera 10 No 20 -30
Organisation city
Bogotá D.C.
Organisation country