Independent experts nominated by country party

Hideyuki Shimizu

First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Other Disciplines
Natural Resource Management
Plant Science
UN languages spoken


Job function
Research Program Manager
National Institute for environmental Studies
Telephone number
81 298 50-2309/50 2451
Work experience
1. Effects of Atomospheric Pollution on Plants_x000D_
2. Effects of Global Warning on Plants_x000D_
3. Irrigation Research on Desertification_x000D_
4. Global Biodiversity studies and its Information _x000D_
5. Ecophysiological Studies on Bryophytes
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
PH.D Agrlculture, Tokyo , University of Agriculture and Technology, 1997
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. G.Y.Qiu K. Tobe. H. Shimizu (2000): The Effect of Show Checkerboard on the Sand dune Fixation and its application in China (impress)_x000D_
2. Y.Zeheng and H.Shimizu (2000) Air pollution impacts and vegetation in China in Air Pollution Impacts on Vegetation in developing countries, (Ed by Ashmore, M & Murray F.) Imperial College Press (Invited book chapter) . (in press)_x000D_
3.Tsunekiana and H. Shimiyu (…) Methologies of desertification monitoring and assessment, status Report on the Desertification Monitoring and Assesment in Asia (in press)_x000D_
4. H. Shimiyu K. Kal and K-Omsa (1997) Effects of elevated conversion of CO2 and O3 rrignaly or in mixture on the growth of several Herbaceous wild plant species, J. Agr. Met_x000D_
5. H. Shimizu, Y. Fujinumo and K. Omasa (1996) Effects of Carbon Choride and /or relative humidity on the growth and the transpiration of several plants., ActaHoticulture..
Other activities
1. Member of Interim Science Committee on GBIF_x000D_
2. Secretariat of Species 2000 Asia Oceania_x000D_
3. Member of committee of Bryological society of Japan_x000D_
4. Member of working Group of Desertification (Environment Agency of Japan)
Organisation name
Ministry of Environment
Organisation street address
16-2, Onogawa, Tsukuba, 305-8506
Organisation city
Organisation country