Independent experts nominated by country party

Idris Jaiyeoba

First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Discipline of Expertise
Other Disciplines
Soil Science
UN languages spoken


Job function
Department of Geography, Federal University Lokoja
Telephone number
00234 803 4527702
Work experience
Technical/Knowledge - Possesses a thorough knowledge about the broad issues of environment. Have a good knowledge of EIA and other environmental guidelines and procedures, and land degradation issues. _x000D_
ii. Advisory, Advocacy and Dialogue - Capable of providing policy advice on issues of development, particularly issues on poverty eradication and environmental sustainability. Presently consults regularly with government (international, national, State and Local), donor agencies, civil society organisations, research institutions and other stakeholders on issues of environment. Successfully formulated Nigeria Strategic Action Plan for the implementation of the Great Green Wall Initiative for the Sahara and Sahel (GGWISS)_x000D_
iii.Managerial/Academic Leadership Skill - Ability to work with and lead interdisciplinary groups. _x000D_
Thematic areas: Soil degradation; Desertification; Land restoration and reclamation Environmental Impact Assessment
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
BSc in Geography, Ahmadu Bello University,1980; _x000D_
PhD in Geography (pedology), Ahmadu Bello University,1987
Publication titles
(i) Jaiyeoba, I. A. (1996) Amelioration of soil fertility by woody perennials in cropping fields: Evaluation of three tree species in the semi-arid zone of Nigeria. Journal of Arid Environment 3, 475-482. Academic Press Ltd._x000D_
(ii) Jaiyeoba, I. A. (1997) An assessment of soil fertility restoration under fallow in Nigerian Savannah. Soil Use and Management 13, 163-164. CAB International, for British Soil Science Society _x000D_
(iii) Jaiyeoba, I. A. (1998) Changes in soil properties related to conversion of savannah woodland into pines and eucalyptus plantations, northern Nigeria. Land Degradation and Development. 9, 207-215. John Wiley & Sons Ltd._x000D_
(iv) Jaiyeoba, I. A. (2001) Soil rehabilitation through afforestation: Evaluation of the performance of eucalyptus and pine plantations in a Nigerian savannah environment. Land Degradation and Development. 12, 183-194. John Wiley & Sons Ltd._x000D_
(v) Jaiyeoba, I. A. (2002) Changes in soil properties due to continuous cultivation in Nigerian
Other activities
i. Nigerian Geographical Association_x000D_
ii. Soil Science Society of Nigeria _x000D_
iii. Nigerian Geomorphological Working Group_x000D_
iv. Nigerian Environmental Study/Action Team_x000D_
v. Association of Geoscientist for International Development
Organisation name
Federal Ministry of Water Resources
Organisation city
Organisation country