Independent experts nominated by country party

Jacob Songsore

First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Discipline of Expertise
UN languages spoken


Geographical Focus
Job function
Professor & Head of Department
Department of Geography and Resource Development
Telephone number
233 21 500 394
Work experience
- Lecturer, University of Ghana 1975: Senior Lecturer, Oct. 1982; Associate Professor, Feb., 1991; Full Professor, May 1997_x000D_
- Currently, Head of Department of Geography and Resource Development, University of Ghana_x000D_
- Chairman, Management Board, Ghana national Atlas Development Centre, 1994-1996_x000D_
- Member, Committee on Human Elements of the Ghana Environmental Action Plan_x000D_
- Member, National Development Planning Committee, Cross Sectoral Planning Group for Spatial Organisation and the Environment_x000D_
- Scientific Coordinator, Community Based Environmental Management Information System (CEMIS), Pilot Project in LA, Accra, Ghana_x000D_
- EU Concerted Action Partner on Public Participation in Urban Environmental Health services - IRC, Netherlands
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
B.A., Hons, Geography, 2nd Class Upper, University of Ghana, 1971_x000D_
Ph.D., Geography, Urban Studies, University of Ghana, 1975_x000D_
MSS, Regional Planning, The Hague, 1978, 4SS on Nuffic Fellowship
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. Songsore, J., and Denkabe, A., 1995: Challenging Rural Poverty in Northern Ghana. The Case of the Upper West Region, CED, University of Trondheim, Report No. 6/95, 1995;_x000D_
2. Atkinson, A., Songsore, J., and Werna, E., (eds.), 1996: Urban Health Research in Developing Countries: Implications for Policy, Cab International, Oxon, UK;_x000D_
3. Songsore, J., and McGranahan, G., 1993: Environment Wealth and Health: Towards an Analysis of Intra-Urban differentials within the greater Accra Metropolitan Area, Environment and Urbanization, Vol. 5, No. 2 Oct., pp. 10-34;_x000D_
4. Songsore, J., and Goldstein, G., 1995: Health and Environment Analysis for Decision Making (HEAD-LAMP); Field Study in Accra, Ghana, World Health Statistics Quarterly, Vol. 48, No. 2 pp. 108-117;_x000D_
5. Songsore, J., and McGranahan, G., 1998: The Political Economy of Household Environmental management Gender, Environmental and Epidimology in the Greater Accra Metropolitan Area, World Development Vol. 26, No. 3, pp. 395-410.
Other activities
- Member, Ghana Geographical Association from 1975_x000D_
- Member, European Network for Housing Research from 1993_x000D_
- Associated Scientist, Stockholm Environment Institute from 1995_x000D_
- Member, The New York Academy of Sciences from 1995
1. Biography. The Marquis Who's Who in Science and Engineering, Fourth Edition, 1998/1999_x000D_
2. Biography, The Marquis Who's Who in the World, forthcoming, 16th Edition_x000D_
3. Biography, 2000 Outstanding Scientists of the 20th Century, International Biographic
Organisation name
University of Ghana
Organisation street address
P.O. Box 59
Organisation city
Organisation country