Independent experts nominated by country party

Luca Montanarella

First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Other Disciplines
Soil Science
Agricultural Sciences
UN languages spoken



Job function
Action Leader Soil
Land Resource Management, Joint Research Center
Telephone number
0039 0332 785349
Work experience
Working since 1992 as scientific officer in the European Commission. Leading the Soil Data and Information Systems (SOIL Action) activities of the Joint Research Centre in support to the EU Thematic Strategy for Soil Protection and numerous other soil related policies, like the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), the UNCCD, UNFCCC, CBD, FAO, etc… _x000D_
Responsible of the European Soil Data Centre (ESDAC), the European Soil Information System (EUSIS) and the European Soil Bureau Network (ESBN)._x000D_
Since 1992 scientific officer at the Commission of the European Communities, Joint Research Centre (JRC), Ispra, Italy; 1992-1995 working as Head of the Organic Reference Laboratory, Environment Institute, JRC; 1995-2000 Head of the European Soil Bureau project, Space Applications Institute, MARS unit; 2001-2003 Head of the European Soil Bureau project, Institute for Environment and Sustainability, Soil and Waste unit, JRC; _x000D_
1986-1991 Mass Spectrometry and Chromatography Specialist at Varian Associates, Palo Alto, USA. 1991-1992 principal administrator at the Italian Ministry of Agriculture
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
1978-1984 graduated in agricultural engineering,University of Perugia, Italy_x000D_
1984 Post-doctoral study at the Centre for Biopharmaceutical Sciences, University of Leiden, The Netherlands
Number of Publications
Publication titles
Montanarella L, Carre` F, Sanchez P, Ahamed S, Hartemink A, Hempel J, Huising J, Lagacherie P, Mcbratney A, Mckenzie, N, Mendonza-Santos M, Minasny B, Okoth P, Palm C, Sachs J, Shepherd K, Vagen T, Vanlauwe B, Walsh M, Winowiecki L, Zhang G. Digital Soil Map of the World. SCIENCE 325 (5941); 2009. p. 680-681. JRC53742; _x000D_
Montanarella L. Trends in Land Degradation in Europe. In: Sivakumar MVK, Ndiang`ui N, editors. Climate and Land Degradation. Berlin (German): Springer; 2007. p. 81-102. JRC37815._x000D_
Montanarella L, Cowie A, Schneider U. Potential Synergies Between Existing Multilateral Environmental Agreements in the Implementation of Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry Activities. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE and POLICY 10; 2007. p. 335-352. JRC37687; _x000D_
Schlamadinger B, Bird N, Johns D, Brown S, Canadell J, Ciccarese L, Dutschke M, Fiedler J, Fischlin A, Fearnside P, Forner C, Freibauer A, Frumhoff P, Hoehne N, Kirschbaum M, Labat A, Marland G, Michaelowa A, Montanarella L, Moutinho P, Murdiyarso D, Pena N, Pingoud K, Rakonczay Z, Rametsteiner E, Rock J, Sanz M, Schneider U, Shvidenko A, Skutsch M, Smith P, Somogyi Z, Trines E, Ward M, Yamagata Y. A Synopsis of Land Use, Land-use Change and Forestry (LULUCF) under the Kyoto Protocol and Marrakech Accords. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE and POLICY 10 (1); 2007. p. 271-282. JRC41698; _x000D_
A. Jones, L. Montanarella, R.J.A. Jones (eds.), “Soil Atlas of Europe”, European Soil Bureau Network, European Commission, 2005, 128 pp, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, L-2995 Luxembourg.
Other activities
1. Representing the European Community within the CST of UNCCD for more then 10 years_x000D_
2. Scientific societies: member of: European society of soil conservation (ESSC); international union of soil science (IUSS), and member of IUSS working group on universal soil classification; Italian society of soil science (SISS)._x000D_
3. FAO consultant in the frame of the global soil partnership._x000D_
4. External Auditor of large agricultural research organizations (e.g. INRA, France) and evaluator of numerous large EU and National funded projects._x000D_
5. Reviewer for international journals.
1. Doctor honoris causa Bulgarian Academy of Sciences _x000D_
2. Honorary Fellow ISRIC _x000D_
3. Excellence award of the JRC
Organisation name
European Commission
Organisation street address
Via E. Fermi, 2749, I-21027
Organisation city
Organisation country