Independent experts nominated by country party

Maria Claudia Dussi- Dehais

First name
Maria Claudia
Last name
Dussi- Dehais
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Other Disciplines
UN languages spoken


Geographical Focus
South Africa
Job function
Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias -Universidad Nacional del
Telephone number
+54 299 4980005/204
Work experience
Direction of working groups. Coordination of groups of different institutions and/or companies, realization of research plans and programs since 1994 with different participants that include graduate scholars, undergraduates, technicians, engineers, professors and growers. Some of the graduate students are doing their thesis work under my direction. The principal_x000D_
research subjects include sustainable production technologies in arid agroecosystems; light interception and utilization, management of plant bioregultors; organic fruit production._x000D_
The projects include advisory and extension to growers, experimentation work with statistical design and data analysis, publications, presentations of results in seminars, conferences,_x000D_
courses and dissertations. Agreements with research groups of other countries.
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
PhD: in course. Intensive productions in arid and semi-arid zones. University of Buenos_x000D_
Aires and University of Ben-Gurion, Israel._x000D_
Master of Science. Major: Horticulture. Oregon State University. Oregon, USA. 1993._x000D_
Agronomist Engineer. “Comahue” National University. Río Negro, Argentina.1987
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. Dussi, M.C.; G. Giardina; P. Reeb; J. Gastiazoro. 2008. Thinning programs in pears cv._x000D_
Williams. En: Webster A. and Oliveira C. (Ed.) Proc. 10th. International Pear Symposium._x000D_
Acta Hort. 800:119-129. ISHS. 2. Dussi, M.C. 2007. Book chapter: INTERCEPCION Y DISTRIBUCIÓN LUMINICA EN_x000D_
AGRO-ECOSISTEMAS FRUTICOLAS. In: Árboles Frutales: Ecofisiología, Cultivo y_x000D_
3. Aprovechamiento. Publisher: Facultad de Agronomía. Universidad de Buenos Aires. 805 p,_x000D_
ISBN 950-29-0974-7. Buenos Aires-Argentina. Dussi, M.C.; G. Giardina, P. Reeb. 2005. Shade nets effect on canopy light distribution and_x000D_
quality of fruit and spur leaf on apple cv. Fuji. Spanish J. of Agr. Res. Volume 3. Nro. 2._x000D_
Other activities
1. Member of the International Society for Horticultural Science. ISHS._x000D_
2. Member of the Professional Organization of Engineers (CPIA). Argentina_x000D_
3. Member of the Academic Committee of the postgraduate Program in Temperate zone fruit tree physiology and culture. University of Bologna (ITALIA), Comahue National University_x000D_
(Argentina) and National Institute of Agricultural Technology (INTA, Argentina)._x000D_
4. Member of the editorial advisory Board of the: International Journal of Horticultural Sciences (Hungary); Scientific Journal of the Department of Agricultural Science, Cuyo National_x000D_
University (Mendoza, Argentina); Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research. Spain_x000D_
5. Jury of Professors in the University of Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires, Comahue National University, Neuquén and University of Patagonia, San Juan Bosco, Chubut. Argentina.
1. Fulbright - LASPAU scholarship. 1990-1993._x000D_
2. Award for best paper published in the Journal of the Southern African Society for_x000D_
Horticultural Sciences. 1995; and in the XXVII Argentinean Congress of Horticulture, San Luis, Argentina. 2004._x000D_
3. Invited professor by: the University of Maryland at College Park. Maryland, USA.(1998); by the University of the State of Washington, USA. (1996) and by the University of Stellenbosch, South Africa, (1995)._x000D_
4. Argentinean program of Categorization for Professors and Researchers: II (From I to IV)
Organisation street address
Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, Universidad Nacional del Comahue. CC85
Organisation city
Rio Negro-Patagonia
Organisation country