Independent experts nominated by country party

Maria Solana Tabeni

First name
Maria Solana
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Other Disciplines
Animal Science
Natural Resource Management
UN languages spoken


Geographical Focus
Job function
Doctor en Ciencias Biologicas
Instituto Argentino de Inv. Zonas Aridas (IAZIDA) CONICET
Telephone number
+54 261 5244117
Work experience
I have experience in fieldwork related to the population dynamics of mammals in disturbed areas of the Monte Desert in Argentina. I have applied techniques for sampling small mammals and characterization of habitats from the vegetation. I developed field and laboratory works related to landscape ecology as characterization of soils types, patches of habitats spatial pattern analysis, processing satelite imagie and GIS. _x000D_
I have worked in projects related to conservation and ecology of biodiversity in argentine drylands. I have recently focused on the ecologycal indicators of degradation in grazed landscape in central Argentina
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
Doctor en Ciencias Biologicas, Univ. Nac. Cordoba, Argentina, 2006, Heterogeneidad espacio-temporal del ensamble de pequeños y medianos mamiferos del Desierto de Monte central.
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. Villagra, P.E. Defosse, G.E., del Valle, H. F., Tabeni, S., Rostagno, M. y Abraham, E. 2009: Land use and disturbance effects on the dynamics of natural ecosystems of the Monte Desert. Implications for their conservation, restoration and management. Journal of Arid Envir. 73: 202 - 211_x000D_
2. Ojeda, R.A. y S. Tabeni 2009: The mammals of the Monte Desert revisited. Journal of Arid Environments 73: 173-181_x000D_
3. Tabeni, S., Mastrantonio, L. y R. A. ojeda. 2007: Linking small desert mammal distribution to habitat structure in a protected and grazed landscape of the Monte, Argentina. Acta Oecologica 31: 259 - 269_x000D_
4. Corbalan, V., Tabeni, S. y R. A. Ojeda. 2006: Assessment of habitat quality for four small mamal species of the Monte Desert, Argentina. Mammalian Biology 71: 227 - 237_x000D_
5. Tabeni, M.S. y R. A. Ojeda. 2005: Ecology of the Monte Desert small mammals in disturbed and undisturbed habitats. Journal of Arid Environments 63: 244 - 255
Other activities
Directory Board (2003 - 2007) Sociedad Argentina para el estudio de los Mamiferos _x000D_
Member of Asociacion Argentina de Ecologia (ASAE)
Organisation name
Instituto Argentino de Investigaciones de las Zonas Áridas
Organisation street address
Avd. Adrian Ruiz Leal S/N/ Parque Gral. San Martin. cc 507 CP 5500
Organisation city
Organisation country